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Everything posted by danano

  1. Very nice! I remember when we were looking at those.
  2. That is an amazing colour but could it be that it's dyed blue? It would be great if you could take a closep-up pic of the polyps.
  3. An unidentified "durian-like" coral I picked up over the weekend.
  4. Don't fret fellas, I hear there's more coming in the near future.
  5. Another beauty (yes... a leftover as well). All in all, a productive trip. Good quality at reasonable prices. You just got to love it!
  6. Nice blastos at LCK110 too. Came across this leftover today as well. Do I see green, purple(?) and red? Wait... is that a lime green mouth I see?!
  7. Here's the other leftover yuma I picked up from LCK110 today. It's blue w/ a dark turquoise border. A kind and generous reefer let me have it when he stumbled on another sweet specimen, bright orange bubbles w/ greenish-blue base yuma. Thanks bro!
  8. Does this yuma look familiar? Here's an orange-multicolour morph. This was one of two leftovers I got at around noon today from LCK110. Nice yuma at a reasonable price.
  9. New stock of LPS and reasonably priced yumas (some quite "exotic"/unusual) at LCK110. Quite a good variety of corals - assorted types and colours.
  10. YzF, the Tunze's are all hidden in the rock work. Steve, while I believe that the T5s that I use play a part, more importantly, pristine water is a must. Very low nutrients result in corals that are a much lighter shade of brown, thus the colours standout more.
  11. was the flash in front or behind you? if in front, then likely that it was catching the other side heading the opposite direction
  12. Water Parameters: Calcium: ~400-420 ppm Alkalinity: ~8-9 dKH Specific Gravity: ~1.025 pH: 7.9-8.3 Temperature: 27.5-28.3° C Nitrate: undetectable Nitrite: undetectable Phosphate: undetectable View of the reef slope from the right side...
  13. DB, sounds like I'll be seeing you again very soon... happy cheonging!
  14. About an inch or two but they quickly close the gap. Some are already touching and I usually let nature take its course.
  15. extremely slow... do you have something similar?
  16. It's best not to place it in the direct path of the M820.
  17. Thanks for the very kind words all... Here's another pic of sps basking under T5s...
  18. Here's a brief description of my setup... Sitting in the corner of my living room, where my 30g used to sit, and 10g nano before that, is my 100gallon (48"Lx24"Wx22"H) tank w/ ultra-clear starphire glass viewing panels. 8x 54w ATI T5s provide ample illumination for my light loving corals and clams (T5s: 6 white & 2 blue, no actinics). Biological filteration is provided by the 4" DSB plus over 60kg of quality LR. A 32" tall beckett skimmer powered by an MD55 and a fluidised reactor (w/ Rowa/Contraphos media) keeps the water crystal clear. I dose aminos, iodine and trace elements; and feed the fish twice a week with nori and marine flake. 100% DI water is used for top-up and water changes. A 1/3hp Daeil chiller keeps the temperature fairly constant, between 27.5-28.3C. A RM dual-chamber CR keeps the stony corals happy. Eheim 1262 serves as the main return and 1260 the secondary thru the chiller. Tunze 6000 (x2) w/ multicontroller and a Maxijet generate the required flow and circulation for the small polyp stony corals. As for fish, most are algae eating, which explains the minimal feeding. My 2 small tangs and 4 pygmy angels happily graze on the 60kg of quality LR throughout the day. I feed the fish every few days to ensure a more balanced diet and to keep my 2 chromis and 3 dottybacks happy as well. The mandarin stays fat with the abundant life on the LR. My fishes: purple tang kole tang cherub angel potters angel flame angel multicolour angel orchid dottyback (x3) green chromis (x2) yellow canary wrasse mandarin goby
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