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Everything posted by danano

  1. Thanks all for the very kind words! Kamiru, I use 5x Aquablue Special (11000K) and 3x Blueplus (Blue) T5s. And no, I do not use actinics. Happy reefing all!! Dan
  2. Very well deserved bro! I am speechless. Your colours truly set the benchmark! And superb growth too. All testament to your passion, commitment and most of all, reef husbandry. Congratulations!! Dan
  3. Nice digi Your tank is looking great! And it's only going to get better, especially when the corals grow out a little more. Well done!! Your dedication truly shows.
  4. Thanks Gouldian! RAV, you are welcome, I think . Bro, your tank is coming along very nicely! Cluster of pink seriatopora.
  5. Close-up of a yellow tenuis. And waiting patiently for the staghorns to grow out again.
  6. Almost 2 months after the major rescape, here's how the tank looks today.
  7. Wowww!! Very nice! But do you plan on leaving all four of them in your tank?
  8. Awesome growth and colours! I especially like how your tables turned out.
  9. An endangered species? Seamonkee, did you buy that? Supporting the curio/shell trade encourages fishermen to catch more of these beautiful animals which are later killed and their shells sold to tourists.
  10. Your lights are inadequate. You will need multiple High-Output T5s. MH is the other option. For more on lighting requirements, check out this link. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2515
  11. High salinity stresses corals. In SPS, the colours may be affected adversely and weaker specimens may experience STN. They may not encrust as quickly either, i.e. slower growth. NSW ranges from 1.025 - 1.026 in most places. The Red Sea is a little higher I believe. I keep mine between 1.024 - 1.025.
  12. Well, monitor it closely and keep us posted.
  13. Who? Me? If you are referring to me, then you are most welcome! I remember picking up the last piece of Hoek from the tub and while still in a daze , passed it on to a happy reefer.
  14. Try placing it high up directly under 400W Radiums. That may work.
  15. They probably identified is as a valida coz they did not see the full piece, ID based just on the tip colors in the pic you posted. It's a table, so could be a soli. Mine sits smack in between all my T5s, 8 inches from the surface. I heard about the large purchase too. If he got there sooner, he may have walked out with 2 boxes.
  16. Wei Leong, nice piece. I got something similar and am hoping the same thing, that it will hold colour. Think it requires strong light to maintain the white-purple tips. How high up did you place yours? Saturday's PR shipment
  17. An amazing sps dominated tank with awesome colours from Italy. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...25&pagenumber=1
  18. Interesting growth tips. Is that milli (in the pic) from your tank?
  19. Paul, welcome to SRC. Glad you found a buyer for your blastos. Yes, they do look bleached but under good care, they should recover. Btw, most corals require more light than just actinics to stay healthy. Happy reefing all! Dan
  20. Wowww, that's awesome Wei Leong! It must have been quite a sight, I've seen both my acro crabs and sally lightfoots spawn and the fish go into a frenzy! 2 - 3 months later, I see these tiny acro crabs in a few of the sps colonies. A few must have survived.
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