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Everything posted by danano

  1. Here's a pic from my archives I'd like to share with all you nano-reefers here...
  2. Reefers Are Reefers Enjoy The Cheonging Get The Water Right etc... Is the remix album out yet?
  3. Very nice and simple nano setup. I like it! Well done and thanks for sharing. Dan
  4. Anthias are nice fish but very difficult to keep (healthy) in a nano. They require very regular feeding - which may be detrimental to water quality and your sps.
  5. SLF's look scary but are pretty harmless IME, I've got a few and they don't bother my small fish. Peaceful coexistence. Btw, nice rockscape. Not sure if so many anthias in a nano is such a good idea though, especially given the amount of feeding they require.
  6. Where have you been sourcing your sps from off late (the past few months)? Are the spots red? They could be red bugs or flat worms. Try to take a picture if you can. That way, we should be able to help you positively identify the creature/pest.
  7. Sugi, looking good! How are the sps doing?
  8. How's the "blue monti cap" you posted in the sps forum not too long ago?
  9. Will take both brand new ATI 54W Blue Plus T5 tubes @ $70.
  10. As a result of some rescaping on the right side of my tank, I've got 2 frag packs for sale at $60 each. Each pack contains the following frags*: 1x pinkish-orange monti digi 1x blue tip yellow/cream-body acropora 1x millepora (light blue/purple potential) *all frags are branching I also have a small colony of the pinkish-orange monti digi (i.e. a large frag with multiple branches and nice growth pattern) for sale at $60. The corals above have been with me for at least 4 months. The digi is almost a year. Pls PM me with your mobile# if interested. Collection by Wednesday. Priority will be given to those who can collect sooner.
  11. Nice! How about sharing your tank specs?
  12. 'leafy-green' humilis in the background...
  13. Scarab et al, thanks for the kind words! A few pics I took today... border for the pics inspired by Scarab.
  14. Yes, a truly bizarre deep purple fish. Saw it this evening. There's one pair, would be great for a species only tank. It would be a pity if they aren't sold/bought as a pair. They were probably already a mated pair (when caught from the wild). They are both at least 6 inches long.
  15. Try T5 HO lights (2x 24W). I believe a few of our sponsors carry them. Alternatively, for LPS and softies, PL should work fine as well.
  16. Outstanding reef! Very natural look to it. Deserving of TOTM! Yazid, well done!!
  17. Good suggestion. For all you nano-reefers out there, this forum's for you. Happy nano-reefing! Danano
  18. Looks like you may need to up your lighting intensity.
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