My nano-reef system and husbandry.
The setup...
- 10 gallon acrylic tank and 4 gallon refugium
- Ice Probe chiller
- Sanders Piccolo protein skimmer
- Mini power filter w/ Rowaphos and p. skimmer sits in Millenium 2000
- Lighting 2X55W 10K PC, 1x55W 17K blue PC, 1X15W actinic (to simulate dawn and dusk)
The water...
- Ph: 8.0 low 8.3 high
- Nitrite: undetectable/negligible
- Ammonia: undetectable/negligible
- Nitrate: undetectable/negligible
- Salinity: 1.025
- Calcium: 400-420ppm (Salifert)
- Alkalinity: 9DKH
- Temperature: 79.7 low 82.4 high
** 20% water change every two weeks using Tropic Marin salt. RO/DI water top-up 0.2 gal daily.
The supplements...
- trace elements
- calcium, strontium and iodine
- amino acids
The food...
- phytoplankton 1x/day
- fish food/pellets/flake 1x/day
The inhabitants…
LPS - white alveopora, green/white alveo, torch, yellow cup, pipe organ, fox, candy cane, pastel yellow goniopora
SPS - assorted acropora, montipora and seriatopora
Soft coral - Dendronephthya (carnation tree), red chili, colt
Polyps - clove, yellow, green star, brown
Zoos - orange, yellow, green button, brown button, red, etc.
Shrooms - blue, green hairy, etc.
Inverts - cleaner shrimp, acro crabs, porite shrimps, misc reef crabs, X'mas tree worms, feather duster worm, diadema setosum (long-spined urchin), snails
Clams - tridacna maxima, t. crocea, t. derasa
Fish - tomato clown, false percula clown, yellow canary wrasse, blue-yellow damsel
Other - millepora sp (fire coral)