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Everything posted by danano

  1. Hello Jimng, I've been following this thread with great interest.
  2. 2x 4ft T5 tubes reserved. 3x 2ft T5 tubes still available.
  3. FR with Eheim 600L/hr pump for sale at $95. Hoses/valve included - plug and play - just add 'phosphate remover' media (i.e. Rowaphos) . Sits in sump. FR can be configured to sit outside sump. Pls PM me if interested. Thanks.
  4. $12 each. Take all 3 for a bargain price of $30. I also have 2 units of 4ft 54w T5 10000K tubes. German make, used for about 6 months. For sale at $15 each. $25 for both. Please PM me if interested. Thanks!
  5. STNed over time (for some unknown reason). I managed to salvage just a few tiny frags less that an inch each, the smallest one is 1/4". Oh well... I hope to have a full size colony again in a year or so.
  6. Huh ... did someone mention my name? DeepBlue, great looking tank bro! Premium LPS collection you have there. And your SPS are sweet too! Would love to drop by to have a closer look one of these days.
  7. Welcome to SRC! Sweet looking nano. Have you got any fish in there?
  8. Inadequate light alone would not cause RTN. At most, they'll turn brown and STN over time. It is more likely your water conditions are not (yet) suitable for SPS.
  9. It looks more like RTN. Care to share you water parameters and a full tank pic?
  10. Borinz, sorry, it's been reserved by another reefer that PMed me. I understand that ML will have more available soon. Price is reasonable.
  11. Bought 2 weeks ago, kept in freezer, used only a pinch (once). $10 only. Pls PM me if interested. I will leave it with Henry (ML) for you.
  12. Very nice nano you got there!
  13. Not to sound too negative or pessimistic but I seriously doubt it. AT's are very difficult tangs to keep alive and well in captivity for more than several months. The few reefers I know that managed to, that have fat and healthy AT's, they feed them a variety of food several times a day. And they have mega-sized super beckett skimmers. Their tanks range from 4 to 6ft. A 6ft tank or larger would be ideal. I personally know of only one reefer in SG that has kept an AT for over a year.
  14. With a snap of a finger, Q could send a Jedi to the far reaches of the universe... nothing against Jedi's, but what good would a light sabre or "the force" be
  15. While a trekkie at heart, I like both Star Trek and Star Wars, but if the best from each were to go up against each other, I think the BORG and "Q" would kick some serious butt!
  16. BH, is the primary objective of your research project commercial or conservation? Regardless, they are mutually exclusive. The following statement led me to believe it to be more self-serving than conservation. Conservation appeared to be a secondary objective. I hope you can help clear any doubt. "I'm going to propagate partly for commercial purposes but on the heart of spreading the nice strains so that they would not be lost. Another reason is to aid in current conservation efforts and projects." Further, as public funds will be used to fund part your project, and to ensure accountability and responsible use of hard-earned taxpayers money, now would be as good a time as any to share more details about your research and conservation project. Have you considered making your paper/plan available for public comment? Several reefers have also offered some good advice and feedback on your proposal. You may want to consider the advice given as you move forward with your project.
  17. Didn't have that problem. The overflow was level with water in the tank, hence no splashing and micro bubbles.
  18. My nano-reef system and husbandry. The setup... - 10 gallon acrylic tank and 4 gallon refugium - Ice Probe chiller - Sanders Piccolo protein skimmer - Mini power filter w/ Rowaphos and p. skimmer sits in Millenium 2000 - Lighting 2X55W 10K PC, 1x55W 17K blue PC, 1X15W actinic (to simulate dawn and dusk) The water... - Ph: 8.0 low 8.3 high - Nitrite: undetectable/negligible - Ammonia: undetectable/negligible - Nitrate: undetectable/negligible - Salinity: 1.025 - Calcium: 400-420ppm (Salifert) - Alkalinity: 9DKH - Temperature: 79.7 low 82.4 high ** 20% water change every two weeks using Tropic Marin salt. RO/DI water top-up 0.2 gal daily. The supplements... - trace elements - calcium, strontium and iodine - amino acids The food... - phytoplankton 1x/day - fish food/pellets/flake 1x/day The inhabitants… LPS - white alveopora, green/white alveo, torch, yellow cup, pipe organ, fox, candy cane, pastel yellow goniopora SPS - assorted acropora, montipora and seriatopora Soft coral - Dendronephthya (carnation tree), red chili, colt Polyps - clove, yellow, green star, brown Zoos - orange, yellow, green button, brown button, red, etc. Shrooms - blue, green hairy, etc. Inverts - cleaner shrimp, acro crabs, porite shrimps, misc reef crabs, X'mas tree worms, feather duster worm, diadema setosum (long-spined urchin), snails Clams - tridacna maxima, t. crocea, t. derasa Fish - tomato clown, false percula clown, yellow canary wrasse, blue-yellow damsel Other - millepora sp (fire coral)
  19. 3x55w PL Nothing else in the hang-on except for the Sanders skimmer and some carbon and Rowaphos.
  20. Here's a pic of my nano setup with DIY refugium and skimmer in a hang-on filter. 165watts PL illuminated the light loving corals and clams.
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