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danano last won the day on January 18 2023

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    West Central

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  1. Bubble Magus QQ1 hang-on nano protein skimmer. Used about a year. Well-maintained. Good condition. $45. Please PM me if interested. Thanks.
  2. EHEIM 2213 Canister Filter, used about 2yrs, well maintained and in good condition. It's been sitting in the store room. $70 Please PM if interested. Thanks.
  3. Orphek OR2 60 Blue Plus w/ Kessil gooseneck arm. Good condition. Whole set for $130. Please PM if keen. Thanks.
  4. Purple Rim Montipora Capricornis $250 (approx 7" x 4") Flaming Phoenix Montipora Palawanensis $450 (approx 6" x 5") Please PM if interested. Thanks.
  5. Top View from 10 months ago. After some ups and downs this past year with KH spikes and dips, and battling cyano, things have largely stabilised and reef is recovering nicely. Experienced some STN and lost several colonies along the way. Survivors doing well again and seeing decent growth and good colour. Now, simply enjoying the tank and reef as it continues to mature ❤.
  6. Thanks Leon and Alex. That's the idea, to be able to grow and colour-up corals throughout the tank, even the partially shaded areas. I'm now faced with a new challenge, getting sufficient flow down the middle. I just added two wavemakers on the side to eliminate some "dead spots" but I feel it's still not enough.
  7. Here's another top view. Love how the tables are growing out. Looks like I'll need to rescape soon....
  8. Thanks Leon . You're absolutely right, there's sufficient light intensity and coverage to grow corals edge to edge, top to bottom. Really happy with the AI Hydras. Here's a view from the top of part of the reefscape.
  9. FTS at 17 months. As the corals grow, it's a continuous cycle.... reef, rescape, repeat. A modular reefscape with standalone mounds serves the purpose well.
  10. All reserved/sold. Thanks.
  11. Clearing space.... Microclados - peachy body with baby blue growth and yellow corallites and tips, several branches and growth tips, fully encrusted and coloured up 45 <Close-up pic> Seriatopora colony (fist size) with fluffy white polyps and yellowish growth tips 80 OZ purple bonsai, small colony with multiple branches, fully encrusted and coloured-up 60 Take all three for 170. Please PM if interested. Thanks.
  12. Reef is doing well and I'm removing a few pieces to declutter, making space for corals to grow out. Here's a light orange with green polyps millepora colony. Approx 5-6". 120 And a yellow tip with fluffy white polyps seriatopora colony. About fist size. 80 Please PM if interested. Thanks.
  13. Oops, accidentally posted in the middle of editing
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