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Everything posted by euphoria

  1. ok ok...in case you all want to buy from CF...here's a blur blur pic ok ok...really have to sleep liao
  2. btw guys...check out the zoos in the background in the last pic. its less than $6 for a palm size rock from CF. Nice hor? wah! almost 3...better go sleep
  3. ohh....i see...haha no cats, but 2 lovely dogs scarly i post my own picture, look like your friend also..haha..spooky BTW, thanks for your comments
  4. thank you thank you. the camera is a lousy one la....the first generation Canon digicam A50 (can't even find the replacement driver on Canon's webbie ) Thats the most 'macro I can get le, move any closer ...blur blur liao The pictures are download straight from the camera without any colour editing. not that i don't want to, but bo editing software Ragdoll?
  5. the bottom left again this time bigger than my previous post ok ok...thats all for today...paisay
  6. pardon me...but i just so excited to be able to capture my Black Sun in full bloom, really really want to share it
  7. i feed my Sun corals with brine and mysis shrimps. if you got problem getting them to open, try cyclops as for the anemone, i don't believe in 'restricting' them in one place, as they are always moving until they are real comfortable in that place. thats the problem with keeping anemone. if I were to restrict it in a place that it doesn't like, i think it wouldn't be very pleased
  8. White pumping Xenia...still pumping, heng ar
  9. one more, hope AT dun mind me taking up so much bandwidth
  10. ahh...more pictures... my sun coral. used to be closed all the time, but with constant feeding, its like that everynight. I feed it 3 times a weeks. It has about 35-40 polyps on this rock, so feeding him alone can be an uphill task
  11. not bad, not bad. got so many reefers who are so inactive in this forum buying things already. This forum has proven to be a very good info center
  12. ha ha..maybe i not patient la lights wise, my clams are opeing up very nicely on the sand bed. i'm using T5s
  13. frankly...i do not think the colour is going to change. I got it since the next day the post is up. its an eyesore in my tank now. Any takers? maybe the colour will change you know..haha
  14. Yes...i got one that is this colour. its been weeks and the colour is still the same. So different from the pics Anyone still interested, i'm selling away at half-price
  15. correct...the black ones are black ocellaris clowns
  16. Hi hi! Nice Tank huh! Great looking rose ma..still complaining! I want to go see the new set up..hehe BTW, got your new skimmer?
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