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Everything posted by euphoria

  1. My octo sometimes shed a small piece at the tip, especially when i accidentally touches it there with my tongs... anyone know why is that so? Here's the pic...notice the neon green thingy on my mushroom rock?
  2. erm...the shrimps, i believe, also can swim inside these sour plum bottles le
  3. Brilliant! However, what if the shrimps got into the trap and swim alway with the prawn? They always steal the prawn meant for my coral. Any suggestions?
  4. Brilliant! Found a way to exterminate the crab i saw the other day. However, what if the shrimps got into the trap and swim alway with the prawn? They always steal the prawn meant for my coral. Any suggestions?
  5. Mine was closed was about 2 months after i bought it, too lazy to target feed Nowadays i feed it about 3 times a week with mysis shrimp, now it blooms everynight almost about the same time that i normally feed them...wierd huh? They seemed to be anticipating food Like Ong had mentioned..they don't need light, since they are not photosynthetic and are normally found on overhangs of caves, but lights will not harm them. Mine are under T5's direct, and they still bloom everynight. The Black Suns also bloom under lights, but i notice that they bloom most when the lights just go off. My photoperiod is from 1430 to 2330...normally my suns starts opening at around 2000hrs...all the way until about 5 to 6am.
  6. ahh...cute looking fellow. big round head. CF still have?
  7. yeah...my does the same. Saves a lot of manual work..hehe. I got 2 from ML in my puny 3 footer
  8. Intoducing the Clarkii will not help, but MAY make it worse. Clowns are territorial unless they are mated pair
  9. i remember that there is a small pond at the entrance of underwater world in Sentosa, with starfishes where patrons can touch and take them out
  10. are you asking me? if yes, my tank width is about 18 inches very narrow.
  11. they need lights, move it to a less shady location
  12. i'll have to admit that i felt like pinching it at times also..hehe but no, cannot...haha
  13. when i first got it, i placed it at a very high flow area and it doesn't open so wide either. now its at a low flow area. maybe can try
  14. ok..will try tomorrow. i think i feed them brine shrimps...maybe too big for their puny mouth..hehe
  15. Nutz...this this the answer: my branching Hammer doesn't eat anything visible to me, but very healthy, and the green colour at the tips are getting brighter
  16. Thanks Deepblue! i've always wanted to get a cat-eye to be the centre piece. when i was hunting for it, always no stock, so when i saw one , pounced onto it immediately. it looks really small for the first 2 weeks, untill i started feeding it now its so big, it is casting a shadow over the corals and mushroom i place somewhere near it my 'usable' tank area is shrinking remember i pm-ed you about how to keep bubbles as big and healthy like yours? its you who actually helped
  17. my coco ...with only 1 crown..hehe this is a really 'dreamy' looking pic
  18. ha ha. i suaku la, never see before. just now i counted several times to be sure. i even thought that in that picture, there is another linkia, but can only see 1 leg of the other linkia...haha those who have harlequin shrimps might want to pm Vdc about the location where she bought the 6 legged linkia. 1 extra leg may be food for 2 extra days?
  19. yeah..i agree with both Flubberina and Deepblue. Opinions do differ, but thats through different experiences. If they can be all standardized, we can actually sum it all up and paste it permanently somewhere in this forum, so that all no more questions will appear. But we all know its imposible. btw...can someone enlighten me on the linkia? if not, tonight i'll keep thinking about the extra leg and cannot sleep
  20. i agree with Morgan. A sudden spike of ammonia is a sure-fire way of wiping out your fishes. I once switch off the skimmer at night, and forgot to on it. the next morning, all dead, and when i measure the ammonia : zero. I guess the ammonia spiked sometime when i sleeping, and the filtration overcame it after some time, but that lull period is good enough to be potent. as for the linkia...mine got 5 legs only le
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