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  1. Shipment tonight at The Fish Channel Queen angel (7cm to 27cm) from Belize (rare!) Gray angel (20cm to 23cm) from Belize (rare!) King angel (30cm to 33cm) from Mexico Goldflake angel (10cm to 15cm) Personifer angel (8cm to 12cm) Emperor angel (8cm) from Xmas island (rare!) Archilles tang (12cm) Atlantic blue tang (12cm) Declives butterfly (12cm) Dusky butterfly (15cm) Blue spotted jaw fish (large!)
  2. Just arrived at the fish channel Angelfish: Chaetodontoplus duboulayi (Scribble angelfish) M & L 5-10cm Chaetodontoplus meredithi (Queensland angelfish) M & L 5-10cm Chaetodontoplus meredithi (Queensland angelfish) XL (Male) 12-15cm Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis (Taiwan blue line angelfish) 5-7cm *limited pcs* Pomacanthus asfur (Asfur angelfish) (Eygpt) 9-12cm Pomacanthus maculosus ( Yellow Blotch angelfish) (Eygpt) XL 13-17cm Pomacanthus paru (French angelfish) (Caribbean) XL 20-22cm Pomacanthus arcuatus (Grey angelfish) Show 22-25cm Pomacanthus chrysurus (Ear spot angelfish) M and L 8-12cm Butterflyfish: Chaetodon flavirostris (Dusky butterflyfish) (Australia) 7-10cm Chaetodon rainfordi (Rainfordi butterflyfish) (Australia) 7-10cm Coradion altivelis (Altivelis butterflyfish) (Australia) 6-10cm Chaetodon guentheri (Guentheri butterflyfish) 8-11cm Wrasses: Cirrhilabrus jordani (Flame wrasses)(Male) Pseudocheilus ocellatus (Mystery wrasses) 5-7cm Others: Gramma loreto (Caribbean) 5-6cm Kole tang (Hawaii) 5cm Cuban Hogfish (Caribbean) 6-7cm Spanish Hogfish (Caribbean) 6-8cm Harlequin Tuskfish (Australia) 13-15cm
  3. Fish channel got Aust shipment this weekend. Can expect scribbled and Personifer angels.
  4. New livestock Just arrived at Fish Channel and will release for sale tomorrow afternoon : Garibaldi Damsel ( Hypsypops rubricunda) (SM)Mexico Mystery wrasses (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus) Blue spot jawfish (Opistognathus rosenblatti) Mexico Orchid dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani) (wild caught) Black cap basslet (Gramma melacara) Achilles tang (Acanthurus achilles) Sohal Tang (Acanthurus sohal) 25cm Eygpt Black tang (zebrasoma rostratum) 13cm Japanese angel (Centropyge interruptus) M/F Passer angel (Holacanthus passer) Mexico 23cm Conpicillatus angel (Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus) 18-22cm
  5. Saw from The Fish Channel FB page that they have Regal angels in store now. Heard there are also Emperor angels. Existing Blueline angels and King angels all feeding very well
  6. JBJ 28g Nano Cube LED - PROFESSIONAL (Dim: 18" x 22" x 22". 89Watt) come with stand, 2 return pump,wave controller, use for competition at Fish Carnival from 7-9 Dec 2012. Wave maker will be packaged in Foc as well. 3-day old sets at only $650 each (cash & carry). Original retail price with stand is $1110. Please don't pm me. Contact the fish channel at 96889151 for details. Thank you
  7. Updates at fish channel Cirrhilabrus jordani (Flame Wrasse) Male ( feeding pellet) Centropyge loriculus (Flame Angel) Large size Centropyge multicolor(multicolor Angel) last 2 pcs nice size and feeding on pellet Holacanthus passer (Passer angel) SM, ML. Very nice coloration and broad body. Pomacanthus paru (French angel) M C. septentrionalis (Blue line angel) M wild caught! Ctenochaetus strigosus (Yellow eye Kole Tang) S last pc Neocirrhites armatus (Flame Hawk) last pc feeding on pellet Hybrid Queen Angel (XL) See it "live" in Fish Carnival at IMM from 7-9 Dec Emperor Angel (XL)
  8. Fish Channel have new livestocks Arriving tomorrow after 6pm Mated Pair Flame Wrasse Flame Angel Multicolor Angel Goldflake Angel Gray Angel Yellow eye Kole Tang Helfrichi Goby Mystery Wrasse Flame Hawk Existing livestock French Angel (M-L) Queen Angel (M-XL) Hybrid Queen Angel (XL) King Angel (S-L) Blue Angel (L) Emperor Angel (XL) Taiwan Blueline Angel (S-L) Garibaldi Damsel (S) West Africa Hogfish (M)
  9. Egypt /Caribbean livestock just arrived at Fish Channel as follows : Queen angel (Holacanthus ciliaris) 6-12cm French angel (Pomacanthus paru Caribbean) 8-10cm Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto) 5-6cm Passer/King angel (Holacanthus passer) 6-10cm Garibaldi damsel ( Hypsypops rubicunda) SM (juv)5-6cm Others: Purple moon/yellow blotch angel (Pomacanthus maculosus Eygpt) 10cm Red sea raccoon butterflyfish (Chaetodon fasciatus Eygpt) 6-9cm Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum Eygpt) XL Blue stripe angel (Chaetodontoplus septentrionis Taiwan) 6-8cm Maze angel ( Chaetodontoplus cephalareticulatus) 7-8cm, 13-14cm (RARE!)
  10. Agree with babydog. Very healthy fishes all feeding. I'm sure they know their stuff well and quarantine their fishes properly. Love the baby Africanus angel!
  11. New arrival of fishes from fish channel : Hybrid Queen angel (rare!) Townsend angel Queen angel Blue angel French angel King angel Africanus angel (many sizes from baby to XXL!) Garibaldi damsel Marcella butterflyfish Robustus butterflyfish West African hogfish (rare!) Existing livestock: Blueface angel Powder blue tang Flame hawk Springeri dottyback (wild caught from redsea)
  12. Eritrean butterfly (Chaetodon paucifasciatus) , redsea raccoon butterfly , springeri dottyback , helfrichi goby also coming in tomorrow night at Fish Channel . Butterfly lovers don't miss them!
  13. Heard from fish channel that the following coming in tomorrow night. Interruptus angels (aka Japanese angel), joculatus angels (aka coco angels), flame hawks, scribbled angels (male), Personifer angels (male), Brazilian flameback angels and many more goodies! Don't miss it
  14. Just arrived at fish Channel : Masked Swallowtail Angelfish (Genicanthus semifasciatus) pair 7-10cm Bellus Angelfish (Genicanthus bellus) pair 5-9cm Emperor angel (XL) orange tail (Pomacanthus imperator) 20cm Clown Trigger (Balistoides conspicillum) 10-12cm Blue Ring Angel (XL) (Pomacanthus annularis)20-25cm Black Spot Tang (Acanthurus bariene) (M)10-12 cm Existing livestocks Regal angelfish (pygoplites diacanthus) Yellow Belly (M-L) 8-15cm feeding Powder blue tang (Acanthurus leucosternon) small 7-8cm feeding Blonde Naso Tang (Naso elegans)12-13cm feeding Koran angelfish (pomacanthus semicirculatus) striking colour 5-8cm feeding
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