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Everything posted by Slugs

  1. Bro Sam, he already mention. 1/10 HP in the post. I think you miss out that line.
  2. Picture taken. But didn't know how to down load. Maybe someone can assist on the technical issue.
  3. Hi Reefer out there,need to clear space for other collection. Purple Gonio need to let go. Interested reefer please do leave PM for contact.
  4. I have been trying to excess to the forum for the pass few day, But still can't do so. At first, though that something wrong with my PC Later found out that everybody facing the same problems. Could the ADMIN. please look into it. Thanks.
  5. What I do to cure LR. (a)Firstly, I soak all LR in fresh water for at least half an hour. (b)Then I clean all the LR by using a brush to it clean. (To clear unwanted stuff e.g. Sponge and worms etc.) ©After that, I place all the LR in a blue tub and use a skimmer and DIY filter and run for at least two to three weeks with sea water. In between, I change water and add calcium and other stuff. To be very frank, this take alot effort. But the cure LR look goods and smell fresh.
  6. Bro, I think you can buy the O-ring at one of the shop located in (Blk.101) Towner Road.(Next to a clinic) Did not take notice of the name of the shop. But they do sell all sort of O-ring. Even they can make to measure for you. Hope this inform. can help.
  7. Anyone selling the above item? For immediate pickup. Urgently needed.
  8. HI, anybody have the above mention equipment for sale? Need it very urgently. Please do leave contact or PM for fast sales.
  9. According to your post, the biding should end at MONDAY [/color](27/11/06) (2359hrs.) But your last post indicate bid end an hour. Which means bid end at SUNDAY (26/11/06) (2359hrs.) So which is which? Please advise.
  10. Wow! Nice Prata. I'll go for $60
  11. Wow Such A Nice Prata. I'll go for $60
  12. Hi reefers out there, Looking for a Rio 20 or 32 for my skimmer. Anyone selling please do leave a contact no. or PM. Once confirm can arrange for immed. pickup.
  13. Tank ready for collection. Anybody interested? Pricing reduce to $500
  14. Interested parties, can arrange for viewing of tank over at the factory. Seeing Is Believing
  15. Anybody interested to look for a new tank?Here's the lobang. Selling due to change of sizes. Tank still with the tank maker. Only ready by 6th of October (Friday) Tank specification: 3Ft x 3Ft x 2.5FtThickness: 12mm Glass: Using grade A1 glassSilicon use: Dow Corning (Black silicon) Warranty period : 1 year by the tank maker. Selling price: $550 nett.Interested please do leave contact no. or PM.
  16. Hi Bro, Thanks for your help. Will try to resize again. Thank you very much.
  17. Not to sure. All the equipment belong to a friend. Just post behalf for him. Any futrher enquiry, please feel free to SMS H/P-82223671 to check out with him.
  18. Still having problems on resize the picture. Anyway, thank you very much for your precious comment. I'll try to resize again.
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