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Everything posted by CKL

  1. There are also some flame angels for those who are looking in the East.
  2. Blue reef chromis is sold out in iwarna this morning. Anyone spotted any in the east?
  3. I bought one GSP from pasir ris farm last Sat. None of the polyps open up for 3 days. Only a few few polyps opened up on Tue under a full spectrum par38. This evening probably 20+ polyps open up. Probably need another week or 2 before the full plate of polyps open up.
  4. Laguna pumps should be made in Italy. They are typically for pond and fountain setup. I have seem then being used in large freshwater aquariums. So you need to check if they are suitable for saltwater.
  5. Agreed. Which somewhat contribute to higher temperature. Eheim is a good choice but the maximum flowrate is 4500l/h on the 1264. And that's before head loss.
  6. How about Rio pumps? Rio 32HF maximum 7300l/h before head loss.
  7. Thanks Slayer213. However can only go down on Sat. Hopefully there will be some left. Cheers....
  8. Hi, like to enquire if anyone happen to sight any blue reef chromis in LFS or farms? Thanks.
  9. I guess what you have in mind is to enjoy both your hobby/interest as well as to have it as your livelihood. It's a great idea or dream for many to be able to enjoy what we like and at the same time earn our keep. Truly applause your will to explore your dream and certainly hope you can succeed.
  10. Polyart is the only 24 hours aquarium shop in the block. Have see them stocking marine at the back end of the shop. Very limited livestocks thou.
  11. Thanks for the offer. See you later this evening. Mods, please help to close thread.
  12. Hi ClementC, I have your contact. Remember the Skimz Pur Reef Salt? Will contact you via watsapp if convenient. Thanks.
  13. Thanks for the kind offer Sani Boyan. Appreciate it. Will check with ClementC as he's nearer. Thanks again.
  14. Hi, anyone trimming your cheato? Looking for a small portion in Northeast or Eastern area. Thank you.
  15. CKL

    Looking for wp40

    Getting pre-owned equipment always carry the risk of malfunctioning. It's a trade off on costs. You mitigate by testing, getting some warranty from seller and/or get those reputable brands. It's a hit and missed thingy.
  16. Like to clarify on the placement of the mangrove. You just put them directly in the overflow compartment or sump, similar to freshwater aquarium whereby those bamboo canes are added without the need for subtrate?
  17. I have a flame angel and a bicolor angel in my 1.5' cube. Both are about 1.5". The bicolor was introduced 1 week after the flame. Looks to be living well and do not chase each other around nor disturb the other clowns, cardinal and damsels.
  18. Anyone rescaping or fragging with liverocks or toadstool/gps to let go? Thanks.
  19. Thanks for the comments. The wavemaker maker certainly helps to blow up the poo from the sand bed and get filtered off.
  20. Yes, I find it attractive too, although the blue color is a bit dull now as it was just being introduced into the tank. In the process of training it to accept pellets.
  21. Having been in freshwater all this while, this 1.5' FOWLR cube is my maiden foray into saltwater. The livestocks, with the exception of the angels, are introduced into the tank 4 weeks ago after a cycling period of 4 weeks. All comments are welcome.
  22. Apologies for multiple posts as there is a server timeout message during submission. Moderaters please help to delete the extra threads, thanks
  23. Hi all, I'm looking for the above captioned to add to my tank. If you have any to let go after fragging or rescaping, do let me know. Thanks.
  24. For those who are looking for flame angels, Ah beng have 9 pieces about 2" as of 1pm after I bought one. Cheers...
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