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Everything posted by xersion

  1. i have 2 fan wanna to sell.. looks like those CPU type if ur intersted can sms me at 93677669 i'm send u the pic from my hp
  2. may i know if hendry shop or which shop at clementi 328 can help me? cause here too many suggestions le.. can't really make up my mind maybe i can go to 1 of the shop and check out the price too
  3. wee~!! thanks alot.. wanna set up a 3ft tank but not sure of what to do :X
  4. biohome is the same as bioball? correct me if i'm wrong
  5. Hi Bro, I have a 3ft canister filter for my marine tank.. which is 3 tray... may i knoww whats the best item to add in?
  6. working chiller buget around 100-200
  7. may i know how does the filter looks like? sutiable for 3ft tank?
  8. mind giving ur contacts numb so that we can arrange a time to meet?
  9. i'm interested in the LR. is it sold yet?
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