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Everything posted by xersion

  1. ya wine pls.. need help to order wine? i can order for u lolx..
  2. aiyo.. enough of all this suggestion liao le lahz.. since its a buy and sell stuff.. leave it to the seller and buyer ba.. no point giving comments over at ppl thread. Anything can just PM the seller mahz.. *Peace* Cheers, Reefing is all about having fun.
  3. raise it to 400-450ppm perfectly fine for ls
  4. sea hare is a good choice for hair algae.. if its those long and slim algae its a fav food for blue tang
  5. try reading on this, it works the same way http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=49965
  6. better dun go down lolx.. if not u will be getting more and more item
  7. anyway take note qian hu stuff are not cheap
  8. i have a fish trap if ur interested can leave me a pm or 93677669
  9. i dun think thats bristle worm too.. bristle worm suppose to look like earth worm
  10. price for? if its abalone i know its $10-$12 at ML
  11. u driving or taking public transport? if by public transport i know how to go just go to CCK mrt and switch to qian hu bus
  12. erm.. cleaner shrimp is very sensitive to new tank.. try not to get it so fast yet.. as to what to get its up to u for me i'm having 4 cleaner shrimp in my tank
  13. ur ls throw ur clam off? try to place it back on top again.. but take note of whats happening
  14. i wan.. contact me at 93677669 thanks alot
  15. Sorry i did not say i wan to BUY any blue tang.. What i wan to Buy is a fish trap
  16. need 1 urgently my grouper just eatne my blue tang.. anyone in the west selling?
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