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Everything posted by xersion

  1. 99% looks like snail Xersion @ Tapatalk
  2. Rem seeing it at C328 get go there if u are in the west.. Good Ca and Mag will help too and seedlings Xersion @ Tapatalk
  3. A picture will help a lot.. I guess it's algae forming up... Xersion @ Tapatalk
  4. Got deep pocket can look for AM Xersion @ Tapatalk
  5. Cool... What's the damage? Xersion @ Tapatalk
  6. I thought sea hare more for algae? Xersion @ Tapatalk
  7. I have been using API Xersion @ Tapatalk
  8. Vinegar will do Xersion @ Tapatalk
  9. Go jireh u might be better of a Lck or CF Xersion @ Tapatalk
  10. Any reasons y u wan to feed fish meat? Xersion @ Tapatalk
  11. It's posted in our sponsor forum.. In ML section.. Xersion @ Tapatalk
  12. There are many ways to catch.. Do a search u will have a lot of methods Xersion @ Tapatalk
  13. I think mirror trap will help.. Xersion @ Tapatalk
  14. Check in Ava website.. You are allowed to bring in certain amount Xersion @ Tapatalk
  15. GO will have what u need.. No need to be crazy or anxious about adding corals or live stock.., take it easy and go slowly Xersion @ Tapatalk
  16. Will grow to quite a big size Xersion @ Tapatalk
  17. What illness ur tank have? Leaking? Jokes aside.. I won't recommend copper treatment in ur main tank, catch the fish out and put it in another tank for treatment Xersion @ Tapatalk
  18. I can just put sand into any tank and claim its "live".. U need to ask what type of sand and wheres the source.. Xersion @ Tapatalk
  19. If water condition is good yes they will spread to other rocks Xersion @ Tapatalk
  20. Some LFS say cured rocks but it's not... Get from reputation shops Xersion @ Tapatalk
  21. Not sure if irwana top up is still available, u can use that too Xersion @ Tapatalk
  22. Dont waste time.. It will outgrow very fast Xersion @ Tapatalk
  23. Pods... Just leave it alone will do Xersion @ Tapatalk
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