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Everything posted by newdamsel

  1. >George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening? >Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China. >George: Great. Lay it on me. >Condi: Hu is the new leader of China. >George: That's what I want to know. >Condi: That's what I'm telling you. >George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China? >Condi: Yes. >George: I mean the fellow's name. >Condi: Hu. >George: The guy in China. >Condi: Hu. >George: The new leader of China. >Condi: Hu. >George: The Chinaman! >Condi: Hu is leading China. >George: Now whaddya' asking me for? >Condi: I'm telling you Hu is leading China. >George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China? >Condi: That's the man's name. >George: That's who's name? >Condi: Yes. >George: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of China? >Condi: Yes, sir. >George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle East. >Condi: That's correct. >George: Then who is in China? >Condi: Yes, sir. >George: Yassir is in China? >Condi: No, sir. >George: Then who is? >Condi: Yes, sir. >George: Yassir? >Condi: No, sir. >George: Look, Condi. I need to know the name of the new leader of China. Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone. >Condi: Kofi? >George: No, thanks. >Condi: You want Kofi? >George: No. >Condi: You don't want Kofi. >George: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And then get me the U.N. >Condi: Yes, sir. >George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N. >Condi: Kofi? >George: Milk! Will you please make the call? >Condi: And call who? >George: Who is the guy at the U.N? >Condi: Hu is the guy in China. >George: Will you stay out of China?! >Condi: Yes, sir. >George: And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N. >Condi: Kofi. >George: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone. >(Condi picks up the phone.) >Condi: Rice, here. >George: Rice? Good idea. And a couple of egg rolls, too. Maybe we should send some to the guy in China. And the Middle East. Can you get Chinese food in the Middle East?
  2. The smaller the tank, the higher the maintenance... get the largest tank that your tank can support and do read up the links provided by Tanzy. They'll be of great help...
  3. ryan, you can start off by telling us what is your tank gonna to be??? fish only? reef??? soft corals? hard corals?? shrimp tank??? diff tanks have diff requirement on all types of equipment...
  4. I think the culprit is acclimitization.. usu lfs has low salinity levels ~1.021 so if yours is 1.027 which is rather high even for normal tank, i guess thats what killed your corals.... next time acclimitize your lifestock b4 introduction... 2 cts
  5. I guess yours is also the astrea snails... it does have rings on it.... over time the shell will be covered with coralline and algae and you wun be able to see those rings after that
  6. I guess for fast die off, it will be a great difference in salinity.... did you acclimitize your corals b4 you put it in your tank? What's your salinity? pH could also be the reason....
  7. yes i do mean that,, ie the return to sump... just add one more outlet...
  8. haha.. have a tot of banishing the bully also.. but i quite like its blue color leh.. esp when i on the actinics only.. heh heh.. the clown seems deprived of the pallets... sigh/// hope the clown will be hungry enuff to come to the surface and take the pellets... Hmm... takes time to go to the anemone?? okok... thanx for the info...
  9. Thanx Stenopus, is aragonite even finer than #1 ?? Anyway, i gave up on aragonite due to its cost and my inability to get it... sitting in my tank is #1.... hope things is just as good...
  10. I wonder if i see wrongly, but i do see big fat coral chips in your main tank? Or issit the pic? IMO, the coral chips could trap alot of deritus and thus overtime, you'll get higher and higher nitrate building up. Get a gravel washer, adn u'll realise how much shit there is in the coral chips~! I dugged up my old set up and recycled my whole tank again.. maybe it was a futile attempt but what the heck, #1 sand looks so much better... just cant get argonite.. sigh
  11. IMO, reducing nitrates in nano only got these few choices #1 Incoporate a sump with DSB which is troublesome to set up. DSB in nano is ultra unsightly and reduces water vol significantly #2 Water change whenever nitrates is too high #3 Get a expensive denitrifier or DIY one #4 Chemical means ( If i'm not wrong there's some kind of filter media which does the job but $$$. Also a chemical call AZNO3 to add to reduce but also $$$ according to forumers, AT if i'm not wrong) Just what i have gathered in this wonderful forum.. heh heh.. but wonder if i'm correct
  12. I DIYed mine too... Initially it was very very noisy also, keep snorting 24/7... but there are few ways to solve that~! #1 Try inserting a short piece of airline hose, into the outlet tube to break the surface water tension. If it still make noise, means that ya outflow rate is slightly too slow... so.. #2 Widen ya outlet so as to allow more water to flow out IF you cant widen just like me, make a double outlet #3 If i'm not wrong can use soemthing call the durso pipe design... do a search and you get them. But i dun understand how it works and my fabrication of does result in low noise but very low water output also... In the end i combined #1 and #2 and abracadabra~! solved~!
  13. Mine is a 2ft 15g five plan tank. Seriously 2 15w FL is definitely not enuff for any kind of corals. Thats why i retrofitted a 55w 10k PL. Yup one more thing, if you are a DIY person, change all the ballast to Eballast~! It generates much much less heat and wouldnt hit up yur nano ~! 2 cents
  14. Spade, did you get those white balls??? i think those are necessary, i think it has been discussed in the forum b4. If so where? or do you have some to spare? can get it off you to share the cost...There was a debate on what actually the nitrate reducing bacterias eat what.. nitrate or the food provided (white balls) Anyway, it would help if the equipment is placed in a dark or even no light place... I thinking of DIY one even though i have a DSB in my refugium... the more the merrier right?
  15. If the temp is really 25~27, i guess can even do away with the fan as topping up of water is troublesome AND introduces lotsa salinity stability problem... stick with nothing.. anyway having sps in nano is extremely diff..
  16. i feed as and when i like...maybe 2~3 times a day? sometimes once la... depends on my mood... hahaha but each time only a few pellets... but tat is bcos i've only got a damsel and a clown only, usually the supper meal is the biggest...
  17. Yup hong, confirmed that its a H malu... this species doesnt like lights issit? So weird~! i mean i read that they need strong lights right? But it seems that in the day when i on my lights.. it sink itself underneath the rock, but when i off all lights, it opens up and open fully~!!! Just bought a clown (A ocellaris), #1, the blue damsels hates him and ordered the clown to stay at a corner of the tank... #2 the clown doesnt like the H malu~!!! GGrrrrr...
  18. HI creetin, i do not have a cam but my astrea looks exactly like this..... i think if its a cone, it should be astrea. The 2nd pic is the pic of a astrea spawning, and MY interpretation of their "organs" heh heh... do not know their scientific names but what the heck so long everyone understands... heh heh
  19. Spade, whats that "small white ball" that they indicate in their explanation? Do you know? Seems that it will be used up after sometimes leh.... Also it seems that the water entering the bioballs has high oxygen content too....
  20. Thanx hong, i spend so much time online to search for pictures of fishies and corals.. thanx for the site~! I think i need to get a real small clown man.. the anemone is really small. It has lodge itself at the bottom of a rock looking like the shape of a clam... all tentacles arranged elongatedly with a wavy center devoid of tentacles.... When you say do not overfeed, what would be the frequency like? I mean normal feed is once a week with a prawn that's its mouth size? Or everyday a small piece?
  21. AT, Wow you got some monster living in a shell man~! Perhaps when you are away, a dragon pops out of the shell and mutilate ya lionfish.... condolence.... hard to imagine such a clumsy fellow can actually catch and destroy such a large agile fish.... Hong.. How much and where you got the pom pom?? Sounds interesting to get man.... I'm also very tempted to get a harlequin pair... but i dun like to see them fight to death... harlequin shrimp can live by itself?
  22. did you just buy and try , let them fight to death till you get a match pair? My hermit yesterday ambushed my newly bought fire shrimp~! Sigh, $9 wasted just like that... you guys think that harlequin might be more fierce than hermit???? just a tot
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