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Everything posted by newdamsel

  1. For the maxi skimmer that I'm using, the bubbles will escape from the inlet where water flows in, it serves as counter-current. So unless U do not let water flow into the skimmer, you'll have bubbles everywhere~! What Bluebeard said will minimize.. but will never rid u of the prob...
  2. I guess they do.. but maybe not as much as the fishies... once, i put the feather duster in a pail for a week... the amount of poo that the worm shit is rather considerable~!!!
  3. Have you tested for PO4??? They can turn phosguard really yellow in awhile... but i dunno abt polyfilter...
  4. Thanx guys.. i was actually searching for a non demo version of this screen saver for a long time~!!!! More than greatful~!
  5. I was new then and only got a orange tail blue damsel when i started, anyway besides clown i know of no other fish back then, cant think of any name so just used newdamsel.... Name is Calvin and 25 this year and still in NTU
  6. hahaha...I read about it in this forum a few months ago and i tried getting a chicken essence bottle and putting prawn meat in it and place taht near where the crabs usu appear..... but those crab did not bother about the prawn meat in it... every morning i wake up enthusiastically to see my catch.. but the rotting meat disappoints.. haha... maybe i was not lucky or tactical enuff to hide the bottle?? i dunno... gave up in the end...
  7. Is there a silicate remover??? I'm interested if there is... I'm using phosguard at the moment.. but its expensive....
  8. Do anemone shrimps have preferred kind of anemone??? Different clown fish have different preference so just asking to check...
  9. For me, the crabs in my tank are rather non elusive... though they seldom appear... but once you see them, get a pincer and slowly imerse your hand.. usu they stay motionless at the same spot hoping that you din see it ... but then slowly, slowly THEN when you are within striking distance~! POW.. see orange stuffs float in ya water~!!! I tried taking the rock out of water.. but once they crawl back into their tiny winy hole... you will then wish you have a needle that can curve itself to the shape of the hole... heh heh
  10. haha.. yeah man.. his saron had very nice orange black striped claws~!! I think Xjapan has one of the best communal tank.... like a big happy family all under one roof.. heh heh
  11. Yes X japan~! But I dun think we can classify ours as ex right??? My male died... so I'm looking for a companion for the lonely female... In most website that I read, they say they are reef safe and peaceful though...
  12. Haha... after you find out about those crabs, you will wish that they die instantly~!!! Grab a needle and pierce them to death.. or like me, throw them into the refugium to do the cleaning there~!
  13. Hmm.. thats interesting, but i saw in another thread which says that monkey shrimps are reef safe leh.... what time does sealife closes? How much do they sell their monkey shrimps?
  14. Hi Bawater, I've been to the website but I do not quite understand the word "regenerate".... Do you mean that those Poly-filters after being used can be re-used again just by washing in another set of clean saltwater? But it says when it turn brownish green, then need to discard already~! Would it be cheaper than Phosguard? I've calculated, if continued using phosguard.. in a years time, you'll would almost have paid for a cheap RO/DI unit already... Guys, just to ask.. issit normal to wake up in the morning to see that bryopsis has turned white? Of coz I switch off the refugium lights at night... but when i switch the lights on when i wake up.. it colours back to its green.....
  15. How big is the brown polyp? I dun mind if it can fit my 2ft tank How do I get it from you?
  16. I only see sanders wooden block around... are there better ones??? I would like to know too~!
  17. Just to offer an opposing opinion.... but those 2ft acrylic tank should be fine for a sump... afterall its down there and who cares about scratches... I used it for my main tank and its still free from scratch... From what I have built...using silicone and 3mm acrylic for partitioning in a 2ft is also ok.... strong enuff to withstand the pressures... but definitely for anything thats larger than 3ft.... glass is better... Acrylic glue can usually be bought at neighbourhood hardware shops... Art Friend at bras basah sells them in bottle.... It's used like super glue.. but for water proofing... or to prevents leak... smear another layer of silicone using your finger would do the trick... dirty??.. sure..thats DIY... silicone on fingers is easy to remove... but trick is wait for it to dry on ya hands first.. it cannot be washed off with soap and water... usign towel will leave you with a furry hand...dun try to rub it while its not set or it'll cover ya whole hand... when its all set.. peel it like sunburnt skin
  18. tot its lousy tasting that tangs would not touch them??? Have you been starving your tangs??? hahaha..
  19. Tigershark, what species did you get??? Mine is the H malu, bubble tip.... read from the net that this species will prefer a sand and rock surface to attach to... it also ran away till it lodge itself in between the sand and rock.. weirder still it opens widely at night when i switch off the light... unusual behaviour.. but issit a dying sign?? I dunno.. hope not.. its still alert and eating...
  20. I got the tank during one of those neighbourhood luohan sales.... shouldnt be costing anything more than $18 though... maybe you wanna refer to the other thread where there are pictures... that will be easier to follow... A overflow sys will rid the surface of ya water free of floating particles... to use pump, you will have the greatest headache of ya life when you wanna balance the flow rate of water in and out of the main tank... and if suddenly one pump fails or soemthing get stuck in the pump and blocks the flow ... u should know what will happen... basically 2 pumps only work under IDEAL condition... ryan... since you do not have much in your tank yet...my suggestion is. clear your present tank... go to the glass maker, cordon off an area and drill a hole... easiest and cheapest... its not really worth the effort... sigh...
  21. newdamsel


    RMX, the tube are for my skimmer... zerocool... u r indeed observant... What actually happened was that i underestimated the amount of sand that i need thats why at one side its only 3 inch.... a plastic tube and a 2ft five plan.. price difference only about $10 right? save on 2 mac meal and get soemthing presentable la... heh heh
  22. derf.. better give them a call to check.. they almost forget to give me the english version one for my phosphate test kit.. only when i was about to go when they recall... so i think they should have the english one for yours too la... a deduction only
  23. Oh ok... thx guys for the input.... ) Just got two bunch of bryopsis.. din really see what AT described.... Maybe trying out the maidens hair in my main tank.,.. ) thz guys
  24. forget about the tubing thing... to cool the water in the tubing effectively you need a very very very long tube.... next is to maintain enough pressure to send enough water in and out of the tube... IMO, the best way if using the fan cool method yet reducing evaporation rate of saltwater main tank ....which is damn ugly and consume alot of space is to get a thin plastic bag.. as big a surface area as your sump can afford... pour fresh water into the bag... and blast whatever fans you can gather into the plastic bag.... that can actually work... but it takes up so much space and so unsightly that I laff at myself and threw that away`!!! In addition, it reduces the capacity of saltwater in the sump.... but temp will only reach the wet bulb temp only la... ie 27~28 my 2 cents worth
  25. newdamsel


    Yes it is connected to a sump....actually you can only have one tube, but for mine the outflow rate of the overflow is too small, so i added one more.... Ok i guess you are more interested in the sump... here's it.... any comments? Was wondering if the "everywhere sand" concept helps in reducing nitrates or not....
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