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Everything posted by newdamsel

  1. TTBoy, why catch them? next time just get a pincer or something, just poke straight thru them....
  2. Hi dodo, I suggest that you need space for some actinic FL tubes also right? Why so many 36w and still have 55w??? Might as well have 4 55w PL??? Can save abit of problems with handling soo many connection wires and getting space to store the eballast. 10K PL is the more common one, I havent seen any rated higher than that, but if there is would someone tell us where to get it and how much??
  3. Yes Boxfish, i suggest you dismantle the siphon setup asap, as its a disaster looming... Have you ever tot of when you are out and the power supply gets cut???? Your main tank will overflow with water... or what if a stupid fish swims to your siphon and caught in it? What if the eheim pump spoils suddenly? Just some of the many questions you might need to worry when you are not at home. Look at phang's link, IAN is master of DIY, done professionally... you shouyld consult him on the overflow box method, it will solve overflowing problems. cheers~!
  4. I happen to be shopping at art friend in bras basah when i see the shells... so you can try your luck there
  5. I bot this packet of decorative shells from a bookshop... throw them in, but the hermit after inspecting all of them, decides to stick with its own. For once , it did leave its shell to occupy one of the new shell, but after awhile it moves back to its shell... Conclusion, they can be quite fussy... so do consider about making the shells.. might not worth the effort
  6. heh heh.. I've got a similar concept also, I've caught one of those detestable brown crab and put it in my filter wool.... its still alive after 2 weeks so i guess its really eating the food stuff that overflowed and preventing the them form rotting...
  7. hi jeffrey i like to get say one to 2 pieces of liverock from you, how much are you selling?
  8. DIY a DI unit??? Platax care to elaborate? Whre to get the filter media or ion exchange resin to be exact?
  9. IOnteoh, you should use a wooden aistone. It will produce finer bubbles and bind better to the dissolved organics in the water which we want to remove. Get one first, you should get better skimming results. Each wooden airstone shld cost less than $2.
  10. Aiyoz AT so bad.... but wrassy what AT said is true, post a pic and alot of ppl can help you....
  11. I'm not sure about your calculations.. my 2 footer is 2 by 1 by 1.. it suppose to be 15 galloon and that translate to 54 liters... minus rocks and sand, still should be able to have abt 30~40 liters right? yours is 3 by 1 by 1, should have more water la.... Anyway, I'm having a 900l/h powerhead and a return from sump rated at 1200l/h, but i guess after the head pressure i get about 600l/h to create circulation and a 500l/h at the back of rockworks to prevent accumulation of deritus at the back of the rockworks... slightly overkill, but the fishes can stay still in the water so i din really care much....
  12. Did you mention that you are going to use 2x125l/h powerhead for circulation in your 3ft? I suggest that you get soemthing much higher.... say 600l/h and above?
  13. Hmm.. may i ask soemthing seemingly stupid? If i have this coral which is already very near to one PL light, would adding other PLs help? My main doubt is by adding other PL, we are illuminating other spots and if only we are able to direct the light onto the coral then it'll be effective right?
  14. I suggest you better change 70% of the water.... guess your prawn is of lobster size~!!! A 2 footer is a small tank and for that size u cant even see thru, it seems that its horrendous. Guess the tank has gone anaerobic... i suggest the change, throw in another powerhead and wait for the tank to cycle again. You should have more than enough ammonia already so just wait and keep testing for ammonia and NITRITE.. too early to test for NITRATE... also get your fans running... by the way whats the the output of your current powerhead? 200l/h???
  15. Hi creetin which lfs is that?? how big are the cukes?
  16. I tot that starfish has basically two kinds??/ The general guideline is that the knobby ones are not reef safe while the smooth ones are?? But by the word reef safe does it mean they will not eat clams?? Will these starfish roam on the sand to clean up deritus on the sand? Anyone with exp, pls share??
  17. I've read in a book that says to get rid of aiptasia, one good way is to bring an elegance coral to it, and let the elegance coral sting the aiptasia to death`! I do not know about the credibility of the book, but maybe someone would like to risk his elegance and tell us about it???
  18. Anyone know where to get this black ugly cucumber? Heard that its very big also? 8 inches???? IS there any smaller ones?
  19. I agree with dodo on the price range.. since you have not started off... try your very best to have another 2ft sump (Which is another tank linked to your current one). If you DIY, the amount of money spent is about the same as buying a canister filter BUT you'll increase water volume by double, increase space for housing of equipment. Do a search on sump and you'll get plentiful of info~!
  20. Would those little brown crabs be harmful in the refugium? I'm not sure about this, but I threw them in to tidy up the refugium...
  21. eekss.. thats gross what a big sack of larvae~!!!! one hell of a queen mother bristleworm to be able to lay such a big brood of eggs~!!
  22. IMO Perhaps, the best way is to add more algae??? Buy a bunch of nice looking ones which you can trim easily and hope that they strip ya water clean of nitrate and phosphates.. i think its better than the ugly unmanagable ones... I solved my dino, and reduce diatom problem by throwing 2 big bunch of bryopsis in my sump... millionth of a cent
  23. What happen if a guy set his homepage as sgreefclub, checks its posts more regularly than he check his mailbox, gets disappointed when no one replies his post, and so very eager to see comments of others on his tank or his post than any other thing? Cheers to this forum
  24. hahaha.. thats why its good as a screen saver~!!! Something which you and my tank cannot achieve?? heehee... got my tank and the monitor side by side, so as to switch between reality and virtual... if only i can keep the lion and damsel peacefully.. how nice...
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