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Everything posted by newdamsel

  1. hmm.. ok... but who will get a anemone w/o a clown right? hahaha... anyway thanx you all guys~!
  2. For the Astrea snails in my tank, they either poo or urine as they graze. Solid??? it seem more like strings of slime to me.... yup, it is also excreted from a tub enear the mouth~! eeee.. cant imagine if humans also excrete near our mouths~!
  3. First time on anemone, anyway yesterday i cut a prawn from the fridge to its mouth size and gave it ...the whole anemone just curl up with the prawn in it... now it is stuck halfway in between the rock and the sand. Issit true that a anemone grows better with a clown in it? I know a clown doesnt really need a anemone... just wondering
  4. Hi all, after much search thru the internet i guess mine looks most like this one just that the tip is reddish purple.... so its a sebae? But a search on sebae anemone shows some pictures of it with quite long tentacles leh... so still not very sure... and sebae is hard to keep according to LiveAquaria~!! but in marine depot live they say its undemanding.... anyone with experience with this anemone care to share their experience?
  5. oh...i buy another smaller wooden block but for the two wooden block, i din use the hole they provide anymore, i just connect the block directly to the air pump, the air hose coming out one if the many outlets...
  6. I'm using that for my 2ft, answer on behalf of BB. I bought at sealife too... Its air driven, and i managed to squeeze two wooden block in it to create more bubbles, its about 21.5cm in height and the top collection cup is about 11.5cm in diameter... hope that helps
  7. Dunno about the float switch, i was at sim lim tower yesterday asking for the float switch... but seems that every shop gives me that "are you from mars" look when i ask about the float switch... anyway if i did remember clearly, i read that some forumers got it from sim lim for 20+? Anyway i cant find it and bought a 80cent click switch.. but still wondering how to deal with it... will post in DIY after i figure out. MAybe for the time being you can borrow from fantom first his DIY auto top up? Drip is dangerous leh, especially the weather nowadays... sometimes hot and dry, sometimes cold and wet,.. the evaporation rate differs rather significantly for me...
  8. Aiptasia???!!! NOOO.... hope its not... Hong, I bought it from the blue tub in the center, it is placed in a floating tray... special characteristics??.. Not very sure man.. hope i can get the digital cam soon and that would solve it I placed the anemone prominently on the rock so that i can see it but it crawled to the side between the rock and sand interface and decide to lodge itself there~! Sigh... in that position i only get to see its side view! sigh... anyway, Thanx guys~!!
  9. Just bought one from hong leong.. dunno what it is call also,... small round about 2" diameter, cream colour with purple colour tip. Tentacles are abit short and the center of the anemone dun have tentacles... anybody know what it is call?? How do i tell that if its happy in the environment? And how do i know if its dying?
  10. 154 from the bus stop at macdonalds side
  11. maybe a sensitive auto water top up is important....i have problems maintaining salinity in my 2ft also.... get a sump to increase water volume... it helps a bit.... planning to DIY a simple top up....with reference to the forum's DIY section
  12. I'm using tetratest ammonia test kit... not bad la.. havent got much complaints about it...
  13. I find that it is not a very good brand, though just dip and match colours, easy to use but more often than not, the colours are too close to differentiate accurately. Only when i bought the salifert calcium test kits... then i know whats real accuracy.... but i guess it depends on needs.. for AT and tanzy... the sps they keep require more stringent water parameters and hence their better equipment.. if I'm them, i will also get those PH meters and refractometer or whatever,... if you are having only FOWLR tank.... simple equipment will do... 1cents
  14. In my opinion, NH3 and NO2 test kit can get those cheaper ones... ie more hard to read ones... mine is bioscience.... since after awhile they always only show zero value.... get a good nitrate test kit and calcium test kit... I'm using salifert...also using a KH test kit bought at $8 from sealife and according to him so long i maintain KH ard 10dkh ph should be at 8.2~8.3... using floating type hydrometer to test salinity...but advice is get those needle type... more accurate
  15. Hi Bluebeard, i think i saw 55w aqualux 50/50 PL at hong leong last week.,..
  16. Need not worry about power shortages in such DC set up. I oftenly have water getting into the wires joints but no electric shock whatsoever, DC 1 amp will not give you the shock. Need not tape the joints as it gets sticky after time. But one thing is that when water gets to the wire, the copper wire will dissolve under the electricity and dangerous to the tank. No amount of taping will water proof it.... just get 2 wire casing, screw the fans onto it, and wire within the casing.... maybe can go sim lim to buy any DC switch to switch them on and off easliy... just my 2 cents worth
  17. Woah.. that sounds troublesome, having to move almost all my rocks and marking each individual aiptasia dwelling hole~! But i guess thats what i'm gonna do.... Thanx guys, all of you have been a great help
  18. Hi guys always tot that those aiptasia in my tank are harmless, I even thought that they are tubeworms~!!!!!! After a few pictures i got online.... ARGH~!!! They suddenly look hideous to me... I only got a 2 ft tank so i guess copperband are out.... Anyone knows which LFS sells true peppermint shrimps??? There's so much emphasis of not confusing it with the reef unsafe camel back shrimp.... How many should i get? one or two? Thanx~!
  19. Sorry for my ignorance, are there PL lights out there for 2 ft hood? How much does it cost per tube? THanx
  20. According to the salesman, its one for the whole HDB, if you staying in bungalow, maybe two....
  21. Hi all, I'm also a adv diver thats why I've started a SW tank heh heh... keen on starting photography but camera and casing is outta reach for me anyway dive centers wise i guess all of them is about the same... will still learn the same things. the difference in price is only accounted for by the diff in accom and food. anyway need not get good accom since for a open water diver course, mostly you'll be in water and by the time u get back to room, wun get to enjoy... NARKOSIS~! haha anyway dun expect to see much in your open water course. its all drills and drills in a barren sandbed. perhaps only at the last dive that they'll bring you ard a not so great spot. SO the idea is start learning in not so great places like tioman... after that go aur then redang then perhentian then sipadan. If you go sipadan immediately, all msian reefs are shit i guess... thats what happen when i go to redang first then to aur. The divers are excited about trivial things which is common in redang. esp HUMPBACK parrot fish. the dive master made us wake up so early to go see them urgh~!
  22. Sealife at balestier sells LR at $6 per kg. Bukit timah is $8~~
  23. where are you staying jeremy? your lights are FL right? How long have you been using them?
  24. Do you have any lights (with hood) for a 2 ft tank? And a adjustable flow rate power head??
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