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Everything posted by big_ben102000

  1. hey people, I am currently looking for Thermal adhesive grease and LED drivers with 48v, 700ma output or similar. does anyone know where to get them? I previously got a tube of Thermal grease from sim lim tower but its not the adhesive kind. For the LED driver, i tried looking at sim lim tower, they only have 12v output, i came across a 48v ouput one but it doesnt look very appealing (doesnt have a brand and doesnt looking professional done) If anyone is interested in trading thermal adhesive grease with my thermal grease (~70g) please do pm me. thanks everyone.
  2. I am running tensino 10000l/hr on my 3x2x2, dont like the sight of wave makers in my tank.
  3. i target feed my brain mysis 2 times a week =)
  4. Marine velvet have a more "cotton" look like comepared to ich. I just lost my hybrid powder blue to marine velvet. kill the fish in less than 12hrs after i found out. The fish was actively feed the day before and in the morning. Marine velvet will attack most fishes if their immunity is compromised.
  5. everything i have checked. everything are working nicely in exception that the chiller isnt chilling. already sent the unit to qianhu, they were nice enough to loan me another teco unit which works nicely till now. Haven heard from them as of what happened to my chiller
  6. can try target feeding with brineshrimps or mysis, both works for me. cheers
  7. fish sold to a nice gentlemen. happy cny everyone !
  8. i did state that collection will be at yck. cheers
  9. alright here are some history of the fish ! fish from ah beng, i have it for about 6 months. reason to sell: it was attacking my other powder blue recently after 5 months of being together......
  10. Hi, i had a teco tr15 and it stop chilling agter 4 months i bought it, i had it replaced with a new set and the same thing happened the very next day. anyone had this issue before ?
  11. got a 3" powder blue tang for sale at $35 feeding greedy on pellets collection will be at yck after 8pm on weekdays. water and bag will be provided. interested parties please pm me for arrangement. cheers
  12. got a 3" powder blue tang for sale at $35 feeding greedy on pellets collection will be at yck after 8pm on weekdays. water and bag will be provided. interested parties please pm me for arrangement. cheers
  13. the train still runs the jetty. However if you plan to walk the jetty (i did it twice on 2 different occasions) its not free entry anymore as of last year. Its also a good fishing spot.
  14. I am leaving the country for a couples of weeks, i have passed most of my corals to my cousin for temporary housing. i have remaining corals to let go at a package. 1x ~4" torch coral 3 - 4 heads 1x red mushroom rock. more than 15 mushroom on this rock. biggest one open to about 50 cent coin size. Also has a zoa polyp on it. 1x 2" fireshrimp take all for $50 and you have the LS below FOC FOC. 1x 3" partially bleach open brain (due to light shock, slowly recovering) 2 small bunch of micro algae. water and bag will be provided. collection will be at YCK FCFS happy reefing cheers
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