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Everything posted by big_ben102000

  1. i am no coral expert.. but based on my limited knowledge ... T5 would be enough to keep zoas, unless the tubes are like only 12 watts or so.. they are probably juz getting used to the new enivronemnt ?
  2. if u knoe which rock its in and there is no corals or anything that is valuable to u on it, soak it in freshwater kaisu abit soak it for 24 hours.. watz ever it in will definately crawl out or die in it
  3. wow we nice prata. looks like a volcano juz erupted ! haha
  4. impressive even though no expensice equipment are used
  5. bro at this rate u needa start a new thread to post on the LS u are adding in slowly
  6. bro hook up your tank to a air con compressor.. tada~ can keep corals liaoz .. but i think your shavol nose and sting ray will cause some problems.. sand will be all over the corals near the base
  7. any pics ? and the watz the price u are looking for ?
  8. yea he was a good man ... bro made sure the sting is cut off man.. dont want a singapore version to appear in the news.. anways nice speciement.. how do u feed it ? hand feed ?
  9. oh ya ! saw your thread before ! thanks man
  10. the DXB chamber is next to the skimmer rite ? if it is .. yes it does look alittle small
  11. yea 5mm for a 4 ft tank .. bro did u get the measurement correct ? haha btw does it come with the stand ?
  12. hey bro may i know how much will is cost to buy a iron stand ? do u knoe the price ? if its not too exp. i can collect on wed
  13. if u know how to go to iwana in that area there are already about 3 shops there ... T95 is near AM
  14. woah~ haha u can try T95, sometimes they bring in very pretty speciements. aiya since getting an emporer.. might as well add in a blue face, majestic, a king and a queen..
  15. muhaha get those small small dwarf first lar test test .. but make sure u intro together.. i juz got 3 small jokers and one is already in my sump because it got ganged by the my tang and the other agels .. haiz .. problems with small tanks..
  16. woah sharks is looking good, the rest of the fishes are looking great gonna add any angels
  17. ya mine tang and other fishes use to get ich too,sometimes it last for days.. some survive some didnt. maybe u wanna try feeding garlic soaked food ? it works for my fishes. it has been more than 2 months since the last attack which only lasted 1 night.
  18. can the strip is adjusted in lenght ? cause i want the lightings to be spread over the surface of the water
  19. i hope the bathroom isnt in use haha...
  20. bro u got a fish tank in your bathroom ?
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