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Everything posted by big_ben102000

  1. i ever see some big ones at T95 ... if u are in the area u might wanna check it out
  2. they will take frozen brine shrimps and pellets
  3. no chiller ?!~? sis watz your tank average temp ?
  4. u can feed the anemone prawns.. btw they also need sufficient light to survive. maybe u wanna list down the equipments you are using so the more exprience reefers here can give u some advice. cheers
  5. wa bro u keep changing your stuff .... your pocket no end one rite . what are u planning to do with the old fixture ?
  6. haha bro i was qouted 40+ before ... got a shock.. its a worm afterall
  7. i have this problem too... i am using grade 0 sand as well got 1.5 inches of it in my tank. i am not using any wavemakers..
  8. eh sis, u might wanna get an ibox or some overflow pipe for a start. for the sump tank maybe u can get a similiar dimension tank as your main tank and divide it up using acrylic sheets or glass panels. u will also need a return pump
  9. i think bro davidluvfishes is referring yo nanyang aquarium at seletar farm way. yes they do have alot to choose from
  10. i think u would have to play around with the wave makers u have. get the correct current so that debris dont build up in certain areas in the tank cheers
  11. there are actually 2 tanks in underwater world haha all circular tanks, the jellyfishes floats in the current pretty nice actually
  12. bro i think jellyfishes need a circular tanks if not they will get caught at the angles
  13. eh how thin ? and what grade sand are u looking at ? if its like 1 or 2 cm of grade 2 or smaller then dont bother... the current in your tank will move the sand forming craters where the glass bottom can be seen, not very nice , unless its more than 1 inch IMO. i am using grade zero around 1.5 inches. the depth of my sand bed isnt very even because of the currents in my tank, but bare glass bottoms arent seen.
  14. haha keep tiny gobies.. tiny shrimps and tiny fishes
  15. got an algae blenny for a week now. hasnt ate anything i threw in. but it has been "kissing" the glass panels and leaving marks behind. there are those blown algae there on the glass. can the fish sustain itself on those algae ? or do i have to train it to feed on other foods ?
  16. wow very nice house. your tank blends in prefectly with the rest of the furniture
  17. haha relax. diying is like that one lar, after a few attempts u will get a hang of it.
  18. very nice ! y not cover the top as well ? protect the wooden shelve above the tank from salt precipitation
  19. got ! haha u have some empty space at the bottom. make another seperate glass tank. mix your water and salt in there. then juz use a pump to pump the water over. mixing the water in the sump isnt really a good idea IMO. if u are using micro algae and live sand in your sump then problems may arise
  20. hmm... u can try amk industrial park. they have those big pipes there. whether or not they have the end caps u want i am not sure. u might wanna check it out. think it would be a cheaper alternative ? haha but using acrylic is more "cool" though lolz
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