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Everything posted by big_ben102000

  1. overgrown frags to go sonice flare - $20 lumi kenya tree - $25 raunfow infusion - $15 sakura zoas - $10 minimally 7-10 polyps lumi leather - $15 collection at yck
  2. some frags to go lumi leather - $15 vampire slayer ? - $25 magician - $15 sakura - many polyp - $10 lumi Kenya tree - $25
  3. blue berry fields - $10 blue berry fields morph - $10 magician - $15 pink starburst 10 polyp or more- $35 vampire slayer - $25 collection at yck
  4. some frags to go golden lepto - $20 Tyree rasta - $15 Aphrodite - $15 hair mushroom 2.5"-3" - $15 war coral -$15 all for $70 collection at yck
  5. wts softies jap toadstool 1" - $25 lumi leather 2" - $15 lumi green pink Kenya tree 2" - $20 sakura - $10 hairy mushroom 2-3" - $15 got a feeding powder black tang to go too, pellet trained. Reduce bioload. 3" $50 collection at yck
  6. oops I think the powder black pic didnt show up. fish already caught in a isolation box. looks the colour abit washed out because of the surrounding. feeding greedily IMG_3870.MOV
  7. powder black stable feeding on pellets - $50 reducing bioload 3" leather - $20 war coral - $20 dragon eye - $20 cap jerk - $15 golden lepto - $20 collection at yck
  8. 3" lumi leather - $20 Japanese super lumi toadstool 1.5" tall - $30 sakura - $10 24k gold lepto - $20 cap jerk - $15 all for $85 collection at yck
  9. 2" multi branch lumi Kenya tree - $25 lumi leather 2" - $15 24k lepo - $15 war coral - $15 blue berry fields - $10 all for $70 collection at yck
  10. leather - $15 blue berry fields - $15 sakura - $15 captain jerk - $15 dragon eye morph - $10 all for $60 collection at yck
  11. yellow spondage - $10 bright green monti - $15 candy cane - $20 matt gsp - $10 large colony of gold cloves mostly XL polyp - $60 all for $100 collection at yck
  12. golden cloves - $15 rainbow infusion - $15 bowtie ? - $15 captain jerk - $15 pink stardust - $25 all for $70 collection at yck
  13. eagle eye - $20 blue berry fields - $10 \ tequila sunrise - $20 armour of god - $20 captain jerk - $15 all for $70 collection yck
  14. AL-60 used (very good condition) 2 sets, $130 each used Ca reactor, cr120wp model - flexible pipping needs to be replaced. motor running well. - $40 brand new unused china black box led (165w) - $120 brand new unused BM Ca reactor Cr 120wmp - $200 collection at yck
  15. eagle eye - $20 nice colony of sakura - $15 amour of god (4 polyp) - $25 speckled krak - $40 Tequila sunrise - $20 all for $100
  16. captain jerk paly - $15 Magician zoa - $15 sakura sunrise - $10 kenya tree 1.5" multiple branch - $25 lumi leather 1.5-2" - $15 all for $70 collection at yck
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