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Everything posted by big_ben102000

  1. haha alright will try to get some when i come across any lolz... thanks bro. btw are leapords easy to keep in the first place ?
  2. 3.5' X 1.5' X 2.5' tank. haha weird dimension but thats the biggest that can fit into my room. mine is a FOWLR tank.
  3. mine are probably from philipines, they are pretty cheap (less than one red note). no idea how much the maldives one cost... but they are definiatly more exp. i think. what if i add 2 more the next time ?? is there any lfs that bring them in on a regular basis ?
  4. mine are probably from philipines, they are pretty cheap (less than one red note). no idea how much the maldives one cost... but they are definiatly more exp. i think. what if i add 2 more the next time ?? is there any lfs that bring them in on a regular basis ?
  5. damsel is the bi colour one ... its not like the devil blue ... that guy doesnt disturb any fishes... haiz.. sian..
  6. just got a pair of leapord wrasse about a week ago, thinking that its easy to keep (my mistake). they are pretty hard to come by so i bought them once i had the chance. did a check online on several webs and found out that it wasnt that easy to keep (liveaquria rated it 'expert' level)... the male didnt make it, the female is feeding on frozen brineshrimps at the moment and only comes out and swim once in awhile, after that it disappears. just need some inputs on reefers that has kept this fish before, like this behavoiur and whether anot they can live as a pair ... saw in some webs that they live in groups. the only livestock that are aggressive are damsels. the rest of my live stock consist of clowns, tangs,gobies and a dawrf angel cheers
  7. nice neat and clean tank. haha lots of space of fishes to swim . btw nice pbt speciement
  8. i think it will take awhile for them to strave to death, they will probably feed on the marco flora that are on the LR. does the crabs and worm come out at night? if they do then try catch them when the lights are out. alternatively u can try adding in a trigger, which will wack the hell out of the crab at least thats what my trigger did. try adding six line wrasse? they are known to attack worms. however i am not too sure whether the 2 fishes above will attack your feather dusters. cheers
  9. u can place a small bottle in the sand bed and place a small piece of food, the crab should fall into the bottle. if that doesnt work, place the rock that contain those critters in freshwater. they will scramble out in a few minutes, thats what happen when i did it to one of my rock with worms and crabs. if they doesnt come out, to be safe, place it in fresh water over night. even if it doesnt come out, it will be dead.
  10. arctica is way out of my budget. saw the specs of hailea chiller in several websites but they dont seem to have the power consumption stated there ..
  11. hi i am thinking of getting this chiller for my 3.5' X 1.5' X 2.5' tank. i would like to know the performance of this chiller before committing to one. a anyone is using or has used this chiller before can give some comments about it ? if possible roughly state the enegy consumption ? cause it isnt stated on the box.... cheers :
  12. i am planning to get the 300A model for my 3.5 X 1.5 X 2.5. anyone here has used this model before ? i would like to know the power consumtion and the prefromance of this product. cheers
  13. haha ... i am interested. how many are u giving away ?
  14. interested in the 4ft mh. pm me the location for collection thanks
  15. i tried doing so once for short term.. the water did become green so i think it works ? haha.. btw u need to have an air pump. dont know whether fertillizer is necessary though. i use my tank water. cheers
  16. HALIEA HX 6550 return pump. - $40 HOPAR 9 watt UV - $20 all prices neg looking for - 150w/250w mh -- willing to top up if required cheers
  17. interested in the chiller ... how long has it been in service ? 2nd hand or 1st hand ?
  18. RESUN CL450 - $150 (sold to a nice reefer) 2ft 55watts PL - $20 (sold to a nice reefer) HALIEA HX 6550 return pump. - $40 HOPAR 9 watt UV - $20 tradings are welcome. looking for - 7000l/hr return pump - 150w/250w mh -- willing to top up if required cheers
  19. upz ... trading with other equipments are welcome too
  20. RESUN CL450 - $150 (reserved by sun2000) HALIEA HX 6550 return pump. - $40 HOPAR 9 watt UV - $20 2ft 55watts PL - $20 (reserved by girlosophy)
  21. RESUN CL450 - $150 HALIEA HX 6550 return pump. - $40 HOPAR 9 watt UV - $20 2ft 55watts PL - $20
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