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Everything posted by big_ben102000

  1. eh comfirm is lettues bro .... those i throw in are the left over ones after i made my sandwich off course no contamination from myonese or any other sause and ya its the first time i am introducing it to the sailfin .. btw red bamboo are like for display rite ? as in like for asthetic purposes .. isnt it expensive to feed them those ? talking about the "living" ones not the ones that are dried
  2. my sailfin have been with me for around 3 -4 months .. cant really remember. it was previously feeding on pellets and brine shrimps and today i tried feeding lettue BUT instead of it eating or trying out the lettue it started show agression at it .. the typical rise fins dancing around and stuff . any idea how to convince it to take the lettue ? the lettuce is still in the tank .. how long before i have to take it out if it doesnt eat it ? thanks
  3. big_ben102000

    small tap

    we have a pro DIY DRIPPER DUDE IN dA HouSE
  4. big_ben102000

    small tap

    wa where can u get the medical drip in the first place ? its sold openly out in the market ?
  5. hey bro, i decide to adopt it i will go down later in the day to collect from you at sembawang mrt ? i pm u my contect number already let me know when i can collect it
  6. hhmm... ok thanks for the input appreciate it
  7. can someone tell me watz the diff betweeb HO and NO ? haha i am still lost
  8. haha no idea man .. i am a newbie .. lolz
  9. wa a ball of sunnies ... nice nice nice ! btwdoes any reefers keep sharks here ?
  10. haha anyways nice tank u got there bro
  11. sorry aR btw the one at 328 how many tubes are there in the less than 100 set ?
  12. oh sh*t did i made a fool out of myself ? solite is a brand ?
  13. bro jervismun this set is 3 digits .. .and on the higher end rite ... i cant afford lar .. haha i am actually juz looking for another set of 3 feet ... already have a current one but doesnt seem to be strong enough so ya .. need either another 2 X 21 or one with more blubs in it btw if i managed to find a set which a price i can pay for i will sell my current set .. used for a month only... btw wat solite t5 ? as in is it good ? englighten me plz .. i am noob at T5 lightings bro sian offer me this set of lights i will no reveal the price sorry aR noob haha
  14. oh man sad to hear that bro .. y not get another one
  15. eh not sure wat tubes are those ... but its dymax OB aquarium lights.. its at a freshwater "farm" before T95 at seletar farm way i think. not sure watz the name of the road. but its pretty near Aquamarin .. sorry if i miss led anyone .. i dont really knoe the diff betweens the types of T5 lights mine is currently 2 X 21 watt
  16. use a small piler pull them out ? or use a strong beam of water and flush them out
  17. u are selling them new ? or used ? haha btw to all those offering to sell me their second hand T5 lights... i am looking for 4 X 39 watt T5 .. preferably 2 white and 2 blue tubes.. and btw i can get them for 120 bucks brand new ... so ya .. i think u guys get wat i mean btw really appreciate to those that pm me their offer thanks alot ! cheers*
  18. hey throw them in freshwater for at least an 1 hr that will kill watz to be killed haha
  19. hey, i have a shoal of 5 chromis.. they all are feeding like crazy on pellets and brine shrimp ( frozen) however recently 1 by 1 start dying .. now i left with 2 ? i also notice that their scales are reflective at certain parts (hope u get wat i mean) .. those are the ones that will MIA sooner or later and they are normally found dead some are not even found !
  20. wahaaha ... or juz stick to false precs a.k.a DA common clown ? lol.. cute small non aggressive
  21. hey see that u have 2 royal dotty back .. dont they fight ?
  22. get precs man haha peaceful .. nice .. i never had a good exprience will maroons or tomatos .. they either attack or get attacked
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