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Everything posted by big_ben102000

  1. haha this is a big big big big project man.. cant wait to see the tank
  2. hey, it juz came across my mind.. you are gonna have a "shell bed" rite? when the LR are placed on top of them wont there be alot of pressure points on the base glass ? since the shells are small.. corners and edges will have a smaller surface area in contect with the base glass and there will be multiples. wont the pressure on these points be extremely high ?
  3. no problem.. make sure its the last if u wanna introduce lar.. that joker there will attack my hand if i stick it into the tank.. wont attack other smaller fish like clowns and chromis.. generally attacks angels and other tangs..
  4. been with me for at least 6 to 7 months .. super fat .. super aggressive.. responsible for the death of several similiar size fish i introduced in the past as well. it also live up to the tangs nick name -- "sh*tting machine"
  5. haha ok here is the pic.. quite pathetic lar .. this is the view from one of the sides.. the front glass panel is covered by a layer of algae.. didnt have time to clean because having exams now. sorry for the poor photo shooting skill.. tank is spec 3 X 1.5 X 1.5
  6. that 3 or 4 kg piece of LR almost flood my tank ... it was bigger than i tot it was. maybe because of the size of your tank. got to remove some water before putting it in and yup it was sufficient. yea the rocks are doing fine now. did some rescape everything fits in nicely. thanks for the rocks ! cheers
  7. i have personally saw the tank .. seriously it doesnt look as over stock as u guys think it is
  8. sorry there was a typo in my previous reply .. i meant top up .. hey andy. actaully i would prefer to buy ... do let me knoe how much ua re willing to let go via pm thanks
  9. upz for the nite price slightly neg. willing to trade with 1 feet lights with a pop up cheers
  10. bro jervismun, the tank is kinda blocking one of the doors of your cupboard rite ?
  11. muhahaha they sell live seafood at their local markets man... i think the people there keep marine fishes like keeping tropical fishes in singapore. whether they want a parrot fish or a grouper juz pop by their local wet market .. tadA~ but off course dont expect to find YT ... and other nice nice fishes there lar..
  12. er.. if he ship it here... using a container ... 400+ ? ... aiya he must have done this calculation before.. so i guess taiwan's acrylic is cheaper
  13. yup thats him.. haha .. his tank is a monster. electric bill i think also hit the sky lar... 12 mh if i am not wrong .. then dunno how many dozen more pumps..
  14. hey dun knoe whether anyone has posted this before but check out this guy's tank. his tank is my inspiration ... but i dont have the essential VIT M to build smth like that http://www.oregonreef.com/sub_gallery.htm cheers
  15. i guess they are reef safe however, they will produce a cracking noise at nite. it can be quite irritating
  16. hey thanks for having interests in my lights .. i would prefer to buy the 1 feet light .. do let me know how much u would like to let go the lights at. btw can u give me the specs of the light as well ? thanks cheers
  17. hey from my experience... i dont think the chromis will swim together in a 3 feet tank. maybe 3 feet isnt big enough ? or maybe my chromis juz down swim together.... for me, i only see them swimming together the first few days when they are first introduced into the tank.. after that they scatter all over the place.. however in bigger tanks they do.. but that are real good at cleaning up uneaten food.
  18. nice design.. yup without the border will look better . your fish tank will also look "bigger"... btw do see that the edges of the tank is "rounded". reasoning being IF u are happily working on your sump, u are done and u ligt your head and hit the corner ... man.... thats gonna hurt real bad haha juz a suggestion cheers* btw u have a nice house
  19. got a 2 ft pl for sale ... use for a year. blue white tubes total 35 watts. brand is JALLI A11 its in good working condition ! reason for sale -- its too freaking huge for my refuguim creating algae problems which stink.. light set is going for 25 with stand and box.. collection point --> YCK MRT or jalan kayu i am also interested in getting a 1 feet PL or T5 set.. do pm me or post here if u got an extra set.. i can only let go my current set if i can get a 1ft PL or T5 set. dont want the cheato and other mirco agale dying due to lack of lightings. cheers
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