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Everything posted by big_ben102000

  1. haha yea i juz realise after looking at some iron stands... they dont look like that can hold the weight for a long time too and they cost quite abit as well .. haha anyone giving up a wood stand cabinate ? solid wood is preferred without any laminates or plastic cover ups.. its ok if its very dirty or unsightly, as long as it is strong enough to handle my 4 feet tank.. the tank is still currently sitting on the floor i am a very tight budget though .. i knoe for me being a student isnt a very good reason for asking people to lower their prices, so if u have a stand to let go and price really isnt really a factor for u do pm me or if anyone knoes any carpenters that makes stands do let me knoe too.. but i think they will be more exp rite ? thank your for reading cheers
  2. haha i think the tank look better with the larger rocks. it also look "cool" without plants adding plants isnt a bad idea too, but i think u have to take extra care of the plants that are gonna be added, wrong plants might juz spoil the image all together
  3. aiya 5 mm 6 mm ... difference is juz 1 mm ? lolz i dont think it makes a big diff lar ... all i knoe is the glass is pretty thin. i got my tank from my uncle, so not very sure whether it was custom made, but its diffinately more than 7 years old
  4. bro reefz u got a very clean tank haha it was cleaner than i tot when i saw the tank in person cheers
  5. hye bro i would like to ask wont algae start growing on the fake corals ? how u control them ?
  6. oh ya juz to add.. non of my LR is leaning or touching the side glass panels... i got around 30 kg of LR i think ..
  7. haha bro should be ok lar if u are worried maybe add another layer of silicon ?. i am currently having a 5' X 1.5' X 1.5'. have been using it for the pass 1 year plus got FOWLR. the tank is in service for i think 7-8 years liaoz still going strong cheers
  8. i saw some at iwana last wed very small though
  9. haha if u have the extra kechings to spend.. get a few large aquatic plants and maybe 5 -8 show size discus. since your background is black, the colours will stand out pretty nicely
  10. haha but keeping discus is quite rewarding... if u keep them from small when the morph and change colour as they grow .. espically those mix breed ones ..woohoo ~ haha but off course it takes quite awhile
  11. oh haha all mid sizes... my tank plants are different from the ones u guys use... mine mostly are pretty "long plants" with either slim or large leaves... so ya they can dart right through the plants to the back of the tank. there is only 1 or 2 drift wood in it. like bro cjh has said, yes they are exception. depends on where u got your discus from. if u got it from normal freshwater fish shops, the fishes maybe for quite awhile, so they are kinda used to the usual movement. if u got your discus from breeders, like the ones i used to have, the only humans that the discus may have seen is me and the previous owner.. so they will be alittle more timid. but off course getting discus from breeders u will have more fishes too choose from
  12. i dont reco discus unless u are planning to keep them in a large group. i used to keep around 12 of them in a 3 ft tank.. they get frighten very very easy even though the tank was quite heavily planted.. they only recognise its owner. any strangers that walk pass they may juz dart off and in the process they might injure themselves.. i think throwing 200 cardinals into that thank will be nice =) the contrast of of the colours ..
  13. haha give me the bicolour !~ lolz hows the brain ? i think u will problem removing the angel
  14. i dont think so .. wat happens to the remainings after harvest ? i think they have to trim often so that the algae can grow at their optimum rate thus absorbing as much PO4 ... nitrate etc as possible.. if they are left there untouch, the compartment will eventually fill up with alage and there wont be enough space for them to grow properly, therefore the levels of unwanted nutrients gets accumilated again, which result in increasing levels when water are tested. thats juz my theory cheers
  15. bro for the mh .. is juz the blub only or the set ?
  16. bro reefz aroun dwat time can i pop by ?
  17. muhahaha ok swee i will juz leave 2 ugly ones then XD .. kidding haha.. but i will bao all the tonga banches wanna make a nice pile of tonga banches !~
  18. bluezing how many pieces u want ? can leave some of u haha cheers
  19. woW very nice collection of angels btw did u get them inorder of increasing size ? do they fight very often ?
  20. hey i can collect 2moro i live at gerald drive
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