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Everything posted by ivor

  1. wow wee! thats alot.. $250 for test kits only..! haha.. for the crucial ones, how much do i need to spend?
  2. oh.. is it..! haha.. okkok.. guess i will be heading there soon!
  3. may i just knw where is it? haha! thanks
  4. where is ah beng shop?? haha.. pasir ris?
  5. bro.. interested in ur skimmer and powerhead and chiller.. price for all 3?? cheers
  6. bro, wad does any ozoniser does?
  7. hi guys!! as im new to marine.. i jus wanna enquire, if i start a marine tank, wad do i ned to measure regarding the water. like in fresh water, meaure pH. marine measure?? salt lvl? nitrate?
  8. bro arcanehacker.. i am still interested..! haha.. paiseh!! how much ah? pm me.. thanks!! haah.. coz i heard from my fren that weipro too lousy for a 4f..
  9. compare the front n back? using a photocopy paper?
  10. i dun think there is over flow.. jus the basic tank..! ahah.. so its market rate i guess..~ but at c328 is it 10mm thick?
  11. hi guys..! i found some one making custom tanks.. 4x2x2 at 10mm at $200 is cheap? marine tanks if 4x2x2 can use at 10mm thickess right?
  12. how much u sellin gur 4f light? suitable for marine right?
  13. hi guys..! zoo is actually a coral le?
  14. yupz.. thats wad im thinking.. get euip all done up first.. sh and clown can mix.. tangs too? sorry for asking so much.. glad u guys willing to help!!
  15. actually wad im thinking of keeping is clown fish and tangs.. possible to house seahorses with clown n tang? corals i dun intend to keep much.. maybe jus some to deco.. but lr and ls is a must right?
  16. yup. there are ppl selling.. but then again.. i wanna know how much normally does a sump and skimmer cost..? jus the sump n skimmer.. for maybe a 4feet.. and chiller is nt a must yeah? lightings too..? wad type.. thanks everyone for their hlp!
  17. hi there agian.. how much does a sump and skimmer cost?? can anyone advise me on that..? im looking for a 4f or 5f one..anyone selling??
  18. thanks fionafiona...! bro reenee.. how much can u go lower? pm me best price.. inst in ur tank!! thanks!!
  19. could ya convert to feet?? is it roughly 4x1.5x1.7??
  20. hi, could u get back to me asap. regarding the thickness..
  21. i confirm wan le.. can sms contact me jason? see how i can get it from u? 91070117
  22. jason.. i buy got cheaper nt? jus nice one of mr fren looking for one oso..
  23. bro pm u twice. wads the thickness"? kindly get back to me.
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