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Everything posted by vagabond

  1. Bro, Go over to Golden Octopus, plenty of sunnies to choose from their double decker display. Ercisson Pet has some super sun. Auntie opposite Ah Beng has black sunny. Cheers.
  2. Refugium like planted tank... kudos to you.
  3. Hi guys, I am looking for Rio32HF pump or equivalent. Pump has to have 8000l/h flowrate or above. Needs to be submersible. Kindly PM me if you have got one for sale. LS
  4. Kindly PM me if you have one to spare. Thanks.
  5. I second to that... Bigger rocks will sure make your tank looks much much better.
  6. Hi... Do you have current photo to show?
  7. Hi there, I have Tangs for sale: 1) Mata Tang, 6in 2) Dissumeri Tang, 5in 3) Yellow Belly Blue Tang, 4in 4) Thomsoni Tang,3in They eat everything, algae, pellet, mysis, brine shrimp, silver fish, Henry's mix, etc... If interested, PM me for more details. Cheers
  8. Hi guys, I am setting up a sun coral corner and looking for variety. I am looking for Black and Green sun coral and also those huge colony common orange sunnies. PM me if you have for sale.
  9. Just to add, when bought was only 3in and it has grown double over the past months. Very gentle and nice fish.
  10. Hi guys, I need to clear some fish to reduce bioload, thus first fish to go is my favourite Mata Tang. Below is it description: Name: Acanthurus mata or Mata Tang we common know as Colouration: Light blue with darker tone stripe on body, behind eye a yellow area and 2 yellow bands extending anterior from eye Cahracter: Gentle to tank mates be it newly introduced or old residents Size: 6-7in mouth to tail Kept: 10 months Health: Very healthy, itch free Diet: Mysis, Brine Shrimp, Prawn, Silver fish, Henry's mix, pellet, algae, almost everything (sometines can hand feed him) Asking price: $100 same price I bought.
  11. can try Reef Maniac... he has reasonable sulphur denitrator.
  12. yeah lor... the one they have in at LCK more powerful. Hope they bring in them.
  13. Anyone selling Rio32. Kindly pm me your selling price? Preferred collection at west.
  14. must say, your pvc piping bends are all done very neatly... how you do that?
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