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Everything posted by kelstorm

  1. yes.. it is located beside rainbow.. and it is at serangoon north..
  2. for your info.. i was in Rainbow yesterday.. and the former LH concrete breeding tank had been converted into marine.. and it have baby black tip reef sharks in there.. with some other cat sharks..
  3. fred, i know how u feed.. i bought a potter's angel from coral farm months ago.. and the only time i seen it is the very day i release it into the tank.. and my flame angel followed it in.. thats it.. the last time i seen them.. search everywhere.. no bodies.. no carasses.. no skeleton too... sigh...
  4. phang, can i confirm with u tomolo evening whether i can make it to collect the angel on sat morning.. coz tomolo me going drinking with my friends.. scare hangover.. cannot wake up.. dun want u to wait too long
  5. HON, u want a hairless dog, just get a poodle, shave off all the hair.. u get it already.. just leave a puff at the end of its tail and legs..
  6. natural ammonia?? u dun mean urine??? .. if so, the next time we visit your place.. we must be careful where we step.. hahaha.. actually not bad.. to have a toilet with living organisms in them.. hahaha
  7. congrats bran... u are now a father.. me will pray for u to keep the SH alive...
  8. errr.. shouldn't the skimmer be before the refugium??
  9. Fred, definitely not me.. coz i have yet to visit your place.. phew, if not, i might have been one of the suspects.... as for the thought of them being eaten.. may i know what big predator fish or invertebrate u have inside??? <_<
  10. AT, "hai gou" dun literally mean that a dog in sea water.. hahaha.. the next thing AT is gonna do to the dog is to bring it go scuba diving.. hahaha.. hey.. are u sure u did not shave it?? hahaha Lionel.. i will call u up when i'm back.. in the meantime, i dun want to BYO!!!.. u stud had better bring some.. hahaha.. would love to play with your "jewel".. i mean your sib husky.. dun think crooked..
  11. if english is like Ali G.. my goodness.. he have problems talking.. but i like the scene where the bullets shot out a silhouette of him.. that is so hilarious.. hahaha
  12. AT, how much are u selling the PT???
  13. ORCA skimmer is the cheapest skimmer ard.. and u need a air pump to let it work.. and me is using it.. cheap and good.. serve it function well..
  14. no worries.. with the 6ft tank.. u be able to have abt 2 inside.. me have a purple and blue tang inside my 4ft... and a foxface too.. 3 of my largest fishes in my tank...
  15. puncture his swim bladder?? if so, how is the fish gonna start swimming again??? nearly getting bitten by your box fish?? hahaha.. btw, my mom done such a good job feeding my moray that when i was knocking on the glass, it pop its head out and look at me.. hehehe.. and when i was putting my fingers inside.. it attempt to bite me.. hmmm.. perhaps my little pinkie finger look like shrimp meat to him... hahaha..
  16. mine are pigs that are trying to bluff me into believing them that they are tangs... i try not to feed everyday already.. but.. can't bear to let my "pigs" go hungry...
  17. Lionel, u got a what?? siberian husky?? i love them and golden as well..... hey, i wanna play with it.. what is the color of its eye.. does it bark or howl.. my friend's huskies dun bark but howl.. scary leh.. When can i visit lionel's zoo? and see your tank? hehehe.. also, play tennis next week?? give me a msg.. i finish my exams this coming friday.. and next thurs, i'm off to aussie land.. hehehe
  18. ok phang.. will do so.. can u pm me your contact number and address.. perhaps i meet up with u this weekend or next week?? anyway.. how to grill that poor thing.. too small to eat.. u think like LH.. lots of meat.. hahaha..
  19. Fred, perhaps i did see the price wrongly.. hehhe.. i dun know.. never really go and ask.. but i think i did see the price as $200++... not too sure.. have not been there for a long time already... Bran, perhaps u can try it out.. and let me know.. hehehe.. my tank is still far away... in a galaxy far far away, there is a tank that belongs to me.. hehehe..
  20. Lionel.. i dun understand how come your tangs (blue and purple) dun eat lettuce... mine are so greedy that they will rush to the surface even b4 i place the veggie inside.. and they can consume the entire bunch of lettuce within 1.5 days.. and yes.. the poo that pops out are like veggie.. and sometimes, my blue tang eats them back.. ultimate gross... perhaps your fishes are spoilt by u??? u seems to feed them better food than u feed yourself.. hahaha..
  21. hates it when they uses cynide to catch fishes.. they simply dun last and the dosage will damage the coral reef.. damned!!!
  22. hmmm.. ok.. me also interested now to see the tank.. phang, when i collect the fish, show me the design ok?? thanks.
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