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Everything posted by kelstorm

  1. sigh.. after u guys post this.. (my fiancee surfs this site too to get ideas for our 6ft when we get our house).. that's it!!!!.. my only redemption is for AT's tank.. hehehe..
  2. i couldn't agree more.. hahaha luckily my fiancee scolds me to clean up my tank when i slack in my maintenance.. hahaha
  3. if the snails cannot be obtain locally, may i know where did u get yours?
  4. anway.. AT, i bought a packet of the NORI from NTUC.. and throw some into the tank.. but my PT only nibble and spits out.. my foxface also do the same.. never see my Hippo tang eat leh.. sigh.. i think they might not like it.. still prefer the lettuce and if that is the case, i think i will eat the packet i bought... <_
  5. yup.. that is how i track today's topics.. and have to take a mental note of what topics u had posted your replies.. alternatively, like me.. check each topic lor.. but rather time consuming though... guys, check me if i'm wrong, AT, i think what they want is to keep track of what topics they had posted.. eg. if i posted a reply on reef forum and on this particular topic, say, nori, i would like to be notified that there are new responses on this particular topic..
  6. speaking of which, i would like to ask some questions base on this 1. what do u think it is feeding on? 2. what do u feed it with? 3. Does anemone shrimps really need an anemone to stay alive? 4. If so, what type of anemone? From what i know, anemones from the carribean do not really host much inhabitants.. 5. what is the ideal temp? i'm sure answers provided here might help ppl to consider keeping them
  7. but my jap friends drink a lot.. and i mean alot.. perhaps it is the sake that they drink.. plus the tons of green tea.. however, our version of green tea is pokka green tea.. which, is sugar water.. AT, may i suggest that we switch to jap for this forum.. since Tanzy says that speaking english can kills.. hahaha.. now i had better start learning jap.. if i wann know what this site is talking abt.
  8. Brineshrimp have to use saltwater to keep them alive.. the water that they live in in the packet is usually contaminated with the waste that they accumulated. and u cannot add tapwater to them.. as for cleaner shrimps, try Sealife in balestier? Hong leong in west coast?..
  9. for a moment, i thought your coral had your anthias for dinner
  10. yah lionel.. i agree.. go for cleaner shrimps.. one of your fav wat..
  11. sigh.. and we are paying like $6 for 10kg for "fish poo"!!! to have 5" DSB...
  12. nah.. i will try to kidnap u and use u as the media..
  13. Lionel and HQX, i read the article on tropical fish mag in woodlands lib.. can't recall which issue though.. those mags are not meant to be borrowed out.. so, if u go.. sure can find it.. in first level.. lionel, according to the mag, nobody knows what the shrimps eats.. and the poor survival rate says it all.. <_<
  14. AT, very nice leh.. from the pic (not too clear), it look something like a starfish... but from what i know.. it might be predatory.. coz some of this living organism uses such lights to attract fishes... oh yes, i recall seeing a red flame scallop doing the same.. coz it be the larve of the same thing?
  15. i have tried using those stuff that ppl used to make cushions as filter wool.. coz that time, suddenly ran out of it when i was doing some filter media change... work just fine too.. and it is cheap..
  16. DARN!!!!... miss a trip again... never mind.. i satisfy myself with a visit to Sydney and Melbourne aquarium. when i'm over there..
  17. goodness AT.. your PMHDCS kit is way out of budget for us.. only Hon can afford it.. actually, i would prefer using green chromis to cycle my tank if i only have the choice of using damsels to cycle my tank.. err.. damsels in distress dun count in this case..
  18. see fred.. i told u that u are rich.. hahaha.. anyway.. i only feed my tangs with lettuce and cabbage... never microwave them.. just wash.. wonder whether do they eat kangkong as well.. my palette tang also love shrimps meat.. and i seen it fighting with my moray for it.. basically, that fish, i called it a pig trying to look like a blue tang.. perhaps later in the day, i go to NTUC to buy and try.. if they dun like.. i eat..
  19. read an article on anemone shrimps.. they are almost impossible to keep in aquarium settings.. sigh.. they are so beautiful...
  20. Fred, i have marine black molly if u want..
  21. SW fishes are nicer in colors.. shapes.. and taste!!!!.. as compared to FW.. all i can think of is LH... <_
  22. i hate halloween.. coz everytime, for the past 4 yrs, whenever i wanna go party on this wonderful day, i have exams and duties in army.. darned... like today.. my friends asked me to go pubbing.. but i have a paper tomolo.. speaking of which.. what am i doing here.. ??? last paper sydromes.. hahahah.. mood already...
  23. boy.. u have a small appetite.. hahaha
  24. i had a blanket anemone.. which ate my stingray!!!.. perhaps that is the culprit... lucky i gave it away..
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