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Everything posted by kelstorm

  1. paisay.. i type slower than what my brain can process.. hahaha.. what i mean is that ppl might get the impression that marine is difficult to keep coz from the "advice" given by u know who... chances are, they gonna fail and might tell their friends that marine aquarium is difficult to keep, which, IMO, is not, if u do the process correctly and be patient abt it.. another example, when i was touring tasmania, i chanced upon a LFS selling SH.. guess what they put, " seahorses needs x amt of water, UGF!!!, salt mix, hydrometer and a cyclindrical tank".. everything was fine except UGF.. goodness, still so ancient in their filtration methods.. but i can understand why.. a SH cost A$25 there for a small one.. while those adult ones cost A$150!!!... it is no wonder why marine aquarium is not gaining acceptance by the public as fast as FW.. firstly, they think that it is expensive (it is cheaper than FW fishes in fact.. if u were to compare a FW sting ray with blue spotted ray!!) secondly, the initial cost of setting up one scares them off.. thirdly, getting the wrong advice or no help at all.. and have to go thru the pain of trial and error, which many of us have gone thru but persever and share our experience here.
  2. basic economics huh.. sigh.. perhaps if i'm successful in my artificial cultivated LR.. i might sell to LFS.. and earn big bucks.. hahaha... it is kinda messy though.. use of cement..
  3. inside the mushroom? u mean, kenna makan-ed???
  4. damned.. i will not set up mine till i get my house.. shit.. looks like i might have to consider DIYing my own LR... sigh... read an article on it b4.. but very troublesome...
  5. well.. we make mistakes all the time, most impt, is to learn.. and share our experiences so that our ppl will not follow our painful and expensive footsteps.
  6. was in rainbow yesterday.. saw the condition of their tanks.. pathetic.. they are teaching the wrong stuff.. giving ppl the impression that marine is very difficult to keep.. sigh.. to think i overheard this.. "once u mixed the salt, and water is clear.. u can put in the livestock.. and fishes.. very simple.. "
  7. what i do is i use those pointed chopsticks and impale them and leave the remains for my clean up crew, the fishes.. hahaha
  8. those are clone troopers.. not storm troopers.. hahaha.. different..
  9. yup.. i experience that too.. i do not even know how some of my little baby gobies and mollies end up in my sump.. and i tot my parents played a prank on me.. wat is amazing is that, how they managed to go thru the filtering media... another case of x-files...
  10. firefish are known to be jumpers. especially when predators are going after them.. they will dart ard the reefs and might just lock themselves inside the cervices and refuse to come out and crabs might just devour them live.. nevertheless, to prevent them from jumping.. either cover your tank or get a couple of them so that they will be less jittery.. coz they are schooling fishes... but then, at the same time, look out for fishes that might bully them..
  11. yup, what tanzy mentioned is true.. in fact, clowns need the protection of the anemone more than the other way round.... it is just the symbiotic relationship that makes it interesting...
  12. yeah clarance, u are right.. my CO delayed my COS.. coz he want to vet thru and end up, never read at all.. come back the same.. hahaha..
  13. mine started with me being a fanatic with star wars and especially the character stormtrooper.. thus, to relate it to me, i put a kel in front.. da la... there u have it.. kelstorm.... luckily i wasn't into barbie dolls....phew.. now i'm into gundam and train sets as well.. hmm.. wonder what should i call myself..keldam?? sounds silly.. hahahaha.. btw, name is kelvin
  14. $35 for lionfish??? i think i rather get a statue of the jade merlion. siow... at that price, their lionfish have better come with a harem or pride of lions...
  15. firstly, u can't eat them when they are big, secondly, they will prey on your fishes and lastly, disturb the rock structure
  16. i usually dump the salt into the sump too.. hehehe.. lazy bugger.. anyway.. clarence, with 2ft, your tank tolerance of error is lesser and i do recommend doing weekly changes of water... to be on the safe side
  17. the COS, is it abt the conduct etc.. if so, then i got mine 6 months after i ORD... after i push for it.. and tehan my friend, S1 for delaying it... hahaha, then she said that have to go thru CO.. i wonder why..
  18. usually i dun know how much kg of rocks.. coz i just use enuff rocks to do my structure.. and not restricted to no. of kg of rocks.. u might find that 20 kg of LR might not be enuff to do up the reef..
  19. interesting concept.. kindly share design pls...
  20. i'll take the clowns including the flame clown if u dun want them. can bring on sat?
  21. yes u are right.. but when u need the height, to get the LR to reach the height u want, might cost a bomb. furthermore, your DSB will help in filtration as well..., so, no worries...
  22. pac marine = pacific marine. it is located in Lor Harlus. the price for the true percula ranges from $10-20
  23. that bad huh??? me posted to armour HQ as log officer.. if the smell is that bad like what tanzy had mentioned, me will think twice in going back for reservist.. hahaha
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