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Everything posted by kelstorm

  1. boxer and cleaner can keep together.. but not wif lobster.
  2. that is not true. If there is no demand, there will be no supply. I stopped eating sharks fins over 4 yrs ago.. still refused to eat them during wedding dinners.
  3. Looking to sell the following, 1. 2 x Single Controller, 7091 @ $55 each 2. 2 x Tunze photo cell @ $15 each Willing to sell a set of both controller and photo cell at $60. both sets are more than 1 yr old. Will give a personal warranty of 1 month
  4. there are lots of things to see.. just that u probably need to go very close... also it depends on the weather and tide... if u are lucky, u might find seahorses.
  5. just to add, Hantu viz can be pretty bad.. i recalled one trip i had, i cant even see my fins. Just imagine the viz.. but there are lots of corals despite the silt... wun be surprise it they are choking due to the silt...
  6. IMO, being able to swim is important. Wat, if in the worst case, if u need to dump all ur equipment and swim to the boat in case of emergency.. eg, u lost ur snorkel and mask coz u panic underwater and discover ur BC is taking in water coz u rupture the air bladder? Honestly, i find that the dive agency that certify divers who are non-swimmers are taking a risk and totally irresponsible. Divers should know that in all scenerios, they must depend on themselves before relying on others for help. Having buddy system when diving is good but it should not be depended on... I have seen divers when they surfaced, they realised that their buddy had surfaced earlier coz they ran out of air and had to be escorted up by the dive leader or some other divers. Also, what if both of you hv the same thinking of relying on each other to help if anything were to happen and when murphy's law strikes, both of u realised that both of u cant swim.. i cant really imagine the consequences..
  7. Entire West coast of Malaysia is closed coz of monsoon.. u can either head up to thailand or south to indonesia.. or east towards sipadan. forget abt tioman, Aur, Dayang, Rawa etc.. they are closed.
  8. Reserved by Fishtalk... yes, it will fit ur magnet perfectly.. it is black in color
  9. Hi, Have the above for sale. $16. Brand new, hv not touched water. Bought it to fix onto my magnet only to realise that cannot fit. interested parties, pls enter ur name and i'll get back to u via PM. Venue of collection, After office hrs: Woodlands MRT, AMK MRT
  10. hv a 6080 for sale if u are keen. collection in AMK S$170 abt 1 yr old. condition, good. but up to u to decide the condition. currently using it to blow the detritus from the back of the tank to the front.
  11. Hv the above tunze 6080 for sale. Asking for $170 Collection in AMK Currently running in my tank.
  12. hantu hv 10m vis? i'm already happy wif 1m viz... ahaha it is a good place to practise lost buddy procedure.. coz the moment u decend, u lose sight of ur buddy.. hahaha... also, good to hv buoyancy control... lots of sea urchins..
  13. now is almost monsoon or had monsoon already hit the m'sian waters? you might wanna consider holding back learning till ard mar'07 where there are more trips to malaysian waters. U might be able get the same deal for that price but in malaysian waters...
  14. tunze replacements can be obtain from Reef Depot
  15. u can try feeding them with zooplaktons or cyclopeeze.. just be careful not to let them get suck into the wavemakers or overflow box
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