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Everything posted by planetg

  1. is it something like the picture attached? it's not my pic but from RC i cannot seem to get the vertical piece which holds the pump flushed to the wall. is it necessary cos i think it'll create much vibration on the glass right? pls correct me if i'm wrong. cheers.
  2. First of all, sorry for the double post cos I've posted this in the Marine Equipment Forum but i figured out that many SPS dudes will have Streams so here's the link to my question about setting up the Tunze 3000.26 extension setup. Tunze 3000.26 extension setup Appreciate any help.
  3. Hi. After assembling the 3000.26 extension for my 6000, i realise that its hold on the eurobrace is horrifyingly small. Is that the right way or am I missing something? It looks as though it's gonna fall off anytime! Anyone with pictures of your extension or modification to make it more stable? Appreciate it. Cheers
  4. I've read lots about PVC rack support and remembered some useful info on SRC but couldn't find it. i even remembered reading on RC about drilling little holes along the PVC pipe for breeding pods! Would appreciate pics or words of advice as to how to best secure and aquascape with such rack support. So please get the pics rollin'
  5. just bring it out and snip away the branch. some do recommend lugol's dip after that but my hammers survived that unskilled operation i performed. just a note. remember to rinse the chopped branch with a little tank water to prevent skeleton bits entering the tank.
  6. Brand new sump tank (24" x 20" x 15" height) 6mm for sale at $50. It has a separate sump and refugium compartment. Reason : Custom made this earlier but decided to go with a bigger sump given more space in my cabinet. serious buyers PM me please.
  7. Chiller : Reef Relief 0.5HP Service & Support : Excellent
  8. nowadays sgreef quite quiet, so i'll post my top 6!!! 1. Percula Clowns (True or False doesn't matter) It's a signature fish for a reef tank but that's just my opinion. 2. Blue Tang (Nothing beats the 'Blue' of a healthy hippo) 3. Yellow Tang (It's a wonderful pleasure to see this dude fat and eating like a glut) 4. Lyretail Anthias (My latest favourite. Can't stop watching a pair hiding, leaning in cervises or swimming gracefully) 5. Mandarin Fish (How can this 'helicopter' be left out. Cool dude to have if diet is sustainable) 6. Archilles Tang (no explanation required. Exquisite) notice my choices is based on a mixed reef of LPS, SPS and Clams.
  9. my elephant ears almost doubled in size when i installed a chiller to keep it ard 25-26.
  10. as long as you have the right water flow, you can keep both. imho, both are equally hardy.
  11. you can also spend hours at borders or kinokuniya and browse the wide selection of books there
  12. do a search on ReefCentral. you'll find tons of info. however, you can also refer to this. http://www.sparklingfloorservice.com/tank/55sump.html
  13. sounds like parasites. did u buy all the clownfishes from the same lfs?
  14. add lots of garlic and refrigerate it? will it smell?
  15. a. what fish is that? b. how long is this fish in your tank? c. in my opinion, medications do not work well
  16. thanx bawater for the insights i've read that phospates and nitrates to some extend are actually good for clams. they need nutrients. i've a friend who managed to keep 5 clams in a med sized tub with lots of algae all over the place. looks a little ugly but the clams are doing well man (i was surprised! I bet other corals or fishes will not tolerate that condition. the problem is that some clams lack such nutrients in a clean system and are living on borrowed time, utilising all the stored energy till they go. where's the balance? what's your take on this subject?
  17. hi maxima, can spare some for me too? pm me please. thanx a lot.
  18. from my personal experience, give reef relief a shot. it's pretty quite and efficient. + dr chill provides rather good service. cheers
  19. i use seachem's matrix carbon. remember, the best effect is to trickle and change it frequently.
  20. tanzy, due to budget constraints, i would not like to splash out $$$ for 7094 + 6100 x 2. do you suggest i shd just get 7094 + 6100 and in future add another 6100? i've only a 4 ft tank and will also be keeping shrooms, zoos and clams. thanx.
  21. any comments on the way i'll be circulating my 4' tank? thanx pospeh for the suggestion. i'll seriously consider 6100 over 6010. my idea is to only use a eheim 1262 as return so that overflow is slightly throttled back (orginal plan is dual 5000l/hr pumps) to increase effectiveness of skimmer and refugium and then use in tank circulation.
  22. nope. i custom made it from another guy. will post pics and review when it's delivered and tested.
  23. it doesn't make much sense to throttle it back to acheive what the 6010 can do right? i wonder if the 6010 alone can handle dead spots within my rocks if i use racks as planned. i may add another in future if necessary. i will be having probably 8-10 fishes and wouldn't want to over-stress them! haha.
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