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Everything posted by briareos

  1. I would like to buy individual polyps. Anyone got loose mushrooms? Reason is because my tank is tiny and I don't want to buy a rock with lots of the same kinds of polyps. I'd like to keep 1 of each.
  2. I'm interested, may I have your contact details?
  3. I have a strange disease that affects yellow polyps in my tank. basically, any yellow polyp that I put in there degenerates into a grey mass after a day. This occurs for zoanthids, as well as those common long-tentacled yellow polyps. Bought from different sources, but as long as it's yellow, it doesn't seem to do well in my tank. The grey masses usually have hundreds of copepods feasting on them, like a swarm of flies. Funny thing is the other zoos that are brown are unaffected and doing well, multiplying in number too. Goniopora and sun corals are likewise unaffected. Has anyone seen this strange disease before?
  4. I'm interested to start a culture... where do you stay?
  5. Got any loose polyps that you want to sell individually?
  6. There is a kind of mushroom that is smooth but with a single ring of tentacles midway along the crown. Does anyone know the species name of this?
  7. Then we must spread the joy of yumas through fragging
  8. Ah beng shop is the one with lots of yellow anemones in the main tanks right?
  9. Do let me know the shipping cost too.. I'm interested!
  10. May I know what's the price range for a yuma? I went to pasir ris just now and saw a tiny rock frag 5 cm in diameter. It had a simple yuma polyp, 3 cm in diameter. Brown with a hint of orange. The shop quoted me $45 for this single tiny polyp!
  11. I walked all around farmway 2 today, and all the small 6 cm diameter type sun corals were $20-25. Super suns were about $25. Then I finally found one shop in farmway 1 that was selling suns at $12. There was some tissue denegeration, but I got a pretty good specimen, which can easily be fragged into 3 pieces, because of the shape. Will see how it does. By the way, the owner told me there are 3 kinds of sun corals. This normal one, the black ones, and another type (not super suns). Any info on the thrid one? And who's keeping black sun corals? How do they look when opened?
  12. BTW, where's irenes place? What's the lot number?
  13. When I first got started years ago, i bought a sun coral from there, $5. I didn't realize 1/2 of it had rotted away. I thought that was the natural coloration. It never opened after I brought it home, and continued degenerating until only the skeleton was left.
  14. I mean entirely brown.... open up polyp mouth also brown. Common zoos.
  15. Hi, I'm having trouble finding golden octopus. Is it on this map? http://www.streetdirectory.com/asia_travel...gid=925&level=5
  16. Are tornadoes supposed to be very bright? I never understood why they're shaped like that.
  17. 1/2 feet Rainbow Light (Day light) --- $10 (bought at $15) Clip-on Light ( Blue Antic Light ) --- $2 Hi, I'm interested in these, but since they're already reserved, could you PM me about where you bought them from? This size is perfect for my tank.
  18. I'm planning to go to pasir ris on saturday 6 may. Does anyone know if the shops will be open? If so, from what time?
  19. Could someone post the circuit diagram for this? I would like to build a LED moonlight using 3 blue LEDs and a 12v 250mA power source. How do I calculate the resistance voltage?
  20. Unfortunately I haven't seen any actinic tubes less than 20w in Singpapore. Has anyone?
  21. Say I have a 36w ballast. Can I connect 2 18w tubes in parallel, or should they be in series?
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