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Everything posted by pat

  1. All Item SOLD. Thks for the support, bros. Those that have not collect your stuff/fishes, pls call me to arrange for pick up.
  2. Sold except 1)Teco Chiller RA200 (1 yr old) - $400 3) Deltec Megatwin T5(3 ft) with extra Actinic Blue bulb - $150 7) Cardinals x 2 - $10
  3. Sold except 1)Teco Chiller RA200 (1 yr old) - $400 3) Deltec Megatwin T5(3 ft) with extra Actinic Blue bulb - $200 5) Clam x 2 - $50 7) Cardinals x 2 - $10 10) Big Fox coral - $30 11) Big Bubble - $40
  4. 1)Teco Chiller RA200 (1 yr old) - $400 2) Prizm Skimmer (hang on) - $100- SOLD 3) Deltec Megatwin T5(3 ft) with extra Actinic Blue bulb - $200 4) UV-C 7000 - $100-SOLD 5) Clam x 2 - $50 6) Yellow Tang - $15 7) Cardinals x 2 - $10 8) Brain (green) - $10-SOLD 9) Live rock(ard. 20 kg) - $80 SOLD 10) Big Fox coral - $30 11) Big Bubble - $40 12) Kent marine Supplements : a) Coral Accel 16oz 3/4 full Coral Vite 8oz almost full c) Phytoflex 16oz almost full d) Strontium 8oz less than half e) Mico vert 8oz 3/4 f) Zooflex 8oz 3/4 g) Calcium 8oz less than half selling all at $80
  5. Teco Chiller RA200 (1 yr old) - $400 2) Prizm Skimmer (hang on) - $100- SOLD 3) Deltec Megatwin T5(3 ft) with extra Actinic Blue bulb - $200 4) UV-C 7000 - $100-SOLD 5) Clam x 2 - $50 6) Yellow Tang - $15 7) Cardinals x 2 - $10 8) Brain (green) - $10-SOLD 9) Live rock(ard. 20 kg) - $80 10) Big Fox coral - $30 11) Big Bubble - $40 12) Kent marine Supplements
  6. 1) Teco Chiller RA200 (1 yr old) - $400 2) Prizm Skimmer (hang on) - $100 3) Deltec Megatwin T5(3 ft) with extra Actinic Blue bulb - $200 4) UV-C 7000 - $100 5) Clam x 2 - $50 6) Yellow Tang - $15 7) Cardinals x 2 - $10 8) Brain (green) - $10 9) Live rock(ard. 20 kg) - $80 10) Big Fox coral - $30 11) Big Bubble - $40 12) Kent marine Supplements
  7. Update - Test kits, Skimmer, Flame hawk sold.
  8. I have the following stuffs 4 sales, pls pm me if interested. 1) Teco Chiller RA200 (1 yr old) - $400 2) Prizm Skimmer (hang on) - $100 3) Deltec Megatwin T5(3 ft) with extra Actinic Blue bulb - $200 4) UV-C 7000 - $100 5) Clam x 2 - $50 6) Flame Hawk - $30 7) Yellow Tang - $15 8) Cardinals x 2 - $10 9) Brain (green) - $10 10) Live rock(ard. 20 kg) - $80 11) Salifert Test kit (NO2,NO3,PO4,Ca,NH4) - $50 12) Kent marine Supplements
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