Livestock update:
All more than 1 year unless specified otherwise):
1 percula clown
2 gramma loreto
1 midas blenny
1 possum wrasse
1 spotted mandarin
1 clear shrimp
1 fire shrimp
1 Longnose hawk(5 mo)
1 Pictus blenny (5mo)
1 yellow tang (2mo)
1 potter angel (2 mo)
1 small blue tang (2 mo)
1 red ruby dragonet (1 week)
1 flame angel (1 week)
Lost or sold:
Pbt - became too bg so sold and replaced w yellow, blue, and potter.
Tail spot blenny - sold and replaced with pictus blenny
Flameback angel - trapped in overflow and died
Red ruby dragonet - died for unknown reason.
Fish to be added:
Flame hawk and red mandarin