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Everything posted by KennethNg

  1. 1)Giving away tank (4ft * 2ft * 2.5 ft) + cabinet Selling Live Stock ----------- 1) Power Blue tang ($10) 2) Lemonpeel Angelfish ($10) 3) Six Line Wrasse ($6) 4) 2 * Clownfish (Maroon and Orange) ($2 each) 5) 48 Kg of good quality live rock ($2 per kg) Equipment ---------- 1) eheim 1262 pump - $150 2) Skimmer - H&S (150 F2001)– 800L (with aquabee pump)-$500 3) Tunze 6060 - $120. 4) Resun MD55 pump - $80 Please call me at 96631076
  2. The bulb is HitLite 10,000K is only 3 months old. Interested pls call 96631076
  3. I have one ATMAN myself . Anyone can help me modified ?
  4. Left one now the bulb was sylvania aquaarc 10,000k . Unfortunately, when i try to put it back, i accidentally cracked connecting part of the bulb. Dare not use the bulb again (may be dangerous) Now selling without bulb is $100. With new bulb is $250. I will used the new bulb for testing the MH for buyer.The new bulb is HitLite 10,000K , which will be for my new MH set (getting from my friend soon) . Sorry no more picture. Camera return to friends. But it is with a tamper glass a the bottom. Thanks for the interest.
  5. Have 2 of these. About 1 year old. Come with 150W DE Metal Halide bulb about 3 months old. Selling at $120 each (bulb inclusive)
  6. Bought my Ocellaris Clownfish less than one month and the body is getting more black dots , is it normal . It's seem quite healthy though.
  7. Atman 3335 External Filter Selling at $40 Maxi Skim 200 Protein Skimmer Selling at $40 Interested pls call 96681046
  8. Anyway, i'm monitoring the situation, especially when i just added new fish to my tank. Glad to wake up and see my tang is swimming around my PH. Meanwhile will feed my new tang galic and healthy food for the next 2 week to build up its immune system.
  9. Starving ? How offen you feed your fish ? I feed my 3 cleaner shrimp a cube of frozen shrimp a day, is it enough ?
  10. Bought a small cure little blue tang today. Put it into my tank and to my horror , 1 of my 2 inches long cleaner shrimp jump on top of the tang and grab it with all its legs. It hold on to the tang for around 10 second and the blue tang swim away. This happened few times in last 1 hr. Should i remove the shrimp or it is normal ?
  11. I think PR is out-of-stock for 10000K . Borrow the thread a bit .. Any where else selling ?
  12. Currently 5 people are interested. Please PM me your price , thanks.
  13. Still available . Attached pictures. Dimension is 98cm by 16 cm (L*W)
  14. Selling Weipro 3ft FL Light (2 tube fixture) with 2month old zoomed reef sun and coral sun Price at $50.
  15. Looking for above item. Thanks.
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