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Everything posted by nightdust

  1. i think i know why my zoos not opening liao... cos my clown housing the cave in the centre keep disturbing it.. swim on top of it then move around then come back again
  2. haha yeah lo.. somemore reply so fast.. more like chatting you guys have been so helpful... love you all
  3. wah lao... i went ah beng this noon but i never see leh.. i looking for it very long liao
  4. do i have to place the biohome in a socks bag as well?
  5. yeah i will get one real soon.. but gotta do things step by step cos budget so the live rocks that ya suggest i put in the 2nd compartment is to replace biohome? then what bout purigen and rowa? i mean i still need em rite.. but i mean buying biohome is definately a better choice than just live rocks rite?
  6. caramic sticks? wats that hope i dun get on anyone's nerves
  7. think i will go to RB and try asking them to recommend me what salt to use.. btw: whats a biotope? didnt know carbon is essential at all ... so i should start removing my bio balls 1/3 by 1/3 everyday and replace it with biohome,rowa and purigen into the 2nd compartment rite Btw: what the size of the tunze? care to share the measurements cos bro raydiative wanted to get one..and me 2!
  8. sorry if this sounds stupid but biohome, purigen and rowa.. are they things like bioballs as in a piece of thing or powder or liquid form? and as ya suggest, i put all these three things together in my second compartment?
  9. i dunno whats my temperature but my friend(bro raydiative) told me its should be ard 26 cos i on my air-con at night till morning and the tank feels cold even during afternoon time... anyway i chose to put my jewel in the top centre cos i wanted it to be the main attraction in the tank so what do ya think? guess i will be removing my bioballs and put the spone in the first compartment.. so what do u suggest i put in my second compartment? my tank is actually only bout coming to 2 months old.. currently the LS i have is 1 firegoby 1 maroon clown 1 chromis 1 lemon goby 1 cardinal my zoos actually have been doing fine, opening almost fully but for the past two days it is partially opened only.. btw my tank was rescaped only last night... think it could have stressted em considering i move them in and out of the tank.. i feed all my corals aquapharm 5 in 1 once every 2 days i think i will do water change later cos got quite a few particles floating on my water surface.. is there anything i can add to make my zoos open more? btw: the bacteria you mentioned that i should add one cap full.. is it the same as the bacteria people use when starting their tank? so its actually okie to add it even though my tank is up and running re? sorry ah.. i know i got alot of questions but i really new here so need to learn alot from ya guys.. PS: my tank scaping is actually done by bro raydiative so credits to him
  10. anyone selling or know which LFS got sell a paired maroon Clown? thanks
  11. what program can i use to resize my pic ah
  12. any just to share with ya guys.. MY TANK any comments for improvement? *pic edited for size*
  13. how much will Red Biohome Purigen and Rowa cost? are they something like bio balls that i can place behind in the tank? hmm thanks bros for all the advice.. i still have alot alot to learn bout reefing. i actually want to keep th elid on cos i put my tank on my study table so i want it to look neat instead of equipments everywhere. I will only buy those advance equipments when i am ready to change into a bigger tank. so the water if i do like 20% every 2 weeks is it ok? cos i have to go buy saltwater from pasir ris farm everytime like so mafan leh.. i know there is this salt mixture thing around but i heard its not that good. is it true? advise advise pls haha thanks~!
  14. take out bio balls? my friend told me to put it in wan.. actually i am super new to reefing so would welcome any advice. what should i put instead of bio balls then? and is the sponge a good option?
  15. glad to hear that then can i still add another purple goby?
  16. guys i have a 1feet nanocube with lid.. i am actually concern about the bioload of my tank.. is there any skimmer that is small enough to put into one of the slots behind? or is there any other alternative to reduce bioload? my friend told me to do water change regularly will do.. would appreciate help *pic edited for size*
  17. ohh.. will check it out.. the gayworld ya guys referring to is the one near nicoll highway one issit? btw: can the neon goby co-hibit with fire goby?
  18. anyone knows where can i find Neon Gold/Blue Goby
  19. hmm yup thanks for ya advice~
  20. nope.. it came as a normal looking leather .. it was only bout 2 days ago it started to turn greenish.. the leather is doing fine looking healthy
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