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Everything posted by tropic

  1. HI.SAw this pythoplankton in small transparent bottles at yishun.Looks greenish in colour the content and it has different grade suggesting the size..How do we use it?ANd er...y isit in powdery form...??? ANy idea? CAN be used to feed what.corals? Thanx!
  2. Hey ! Im interested.Don mind payn some for the CS..
  3. These are rocks which have pores inside and some organism seems to be living in it.. But basically given time they will thrive in the tank water ...wouldnt it?
  4. HI.Jus curious...can those rocks that has purplish tint on it algae like that are exposed when the tide lowers canbe used in the marine tanks/?? They seem to have some form of life in the rocks....looks interesting..But the rocks are like those coastel type...thnx!
  5. Hii there.One of my anemone seems to have a liking for this polyps on rocks. It seems to be attaching itself onto the polyps...Anyway i can remove it and get it used to another rock surface???
  6. yishun? Y618 doent sell marine rite?only equiptment...
  7. HI.Ur bioballs are the normal big ones or the smaller types?How are the patterns like?PMme thanx!
  8. Hi, Does anyone knows if SL is open on Sundays? Wat r the hrs like? thanks..
  9. Im lookiing for some too..Priority to thread starter...Thanx!
  10. Uv got PM! CAn have specs also like height dimension of skimmer..
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