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Everything posted by tropic

  1. Careful.some epoxy makes your skimmer berserk..haha. I stick with gel bsi. Ecotech glue also good but problem with tip hardening as an issue for me. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  2. +1. Mature stable tank.add slow. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  3. If u get those 4channel type..means can dose 4 different liquid. You set the ml. Some can set less than one ml. Example u need to dose 120ml in a day...u set 120 and freqyency 4 time..it will set auto the amount at 30ml x4 in a 24hr day. The time for the dose starts u set. Some doser do not allow multiple dosing at same time eg like 0905, 1005, 1105..etc to prevent mix of the dosing liquid. If ur food liquid need to be fridge, then manually dose instead of using doser. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  4. One things for sure..it frees up more time for the daily dosing for other things. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  5. Haha..no more back breaking climb right. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  6. Trap waste and particles before going into sump. Placed at the end of downflow pipe. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  7. If its due to particles try using smaller size pp filter sock. Must wash often. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  8. I use bleach. - invert the sock and use the toilet spraybar and wash out those dirts. As long as the dirts are wash out its fine. - leave them soaked in a tub of bleach mix .a day also can. I use salt bucket. -take them out. Spray them inside and out good. the grime will just come off. -air dry for two to three days. Best if u have few socks to rotate while washing. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  9. New wild sps or same as the last weekend one? Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  10. I feel you... Algae is part and parcel of reefing. ..but once you have cynano got to find some alternatives to reduce it... 1. Try use filter sock for ease of maintenance . Your bacteria king area make sure has water movement and detritus dont get trap there. 2. Skimmer make sure you set it foaming right. 3. The biopellet ,ensure that all the media are tumbling. 4. For the razor, reduce the white to maybe 30-50% range as the whites can be pretty strong. Work your whites up slowly till you find the optimum %. The whites is quite intense and has the red spectrum so that could also fuel the growth. When its at peak setting you may want to have it set like for 2-3hrs and dim down gradually. 5. Your DI water make sure no phosphate. Go get n ro/di for piece of mind. Phosphate fuels the algae. 6. Dead spots and water flowing around the rockworks important. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  11. Its very tight. I use long pliers wrap with cloth at the grip and slowy turn it. Less you see the risk of breaking it, dont force it. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  12. I Like it then and I like it now. Inspirational. Great tank! Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  13. T95. Few pieces Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  14. Amount of water flowing into your chamber is slower than its pumping out.try get more flow inside Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  15. Not for t he tent type leh canvas.its for crosstitch. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  16. Hmm..salt spray.600 l/h pump is pretty small. Can u try install a small valve at the pump return or get more water to flow into the ios chsmber? Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  17. Darn! I pass there yest. Didnt know has an artfriend there. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  18. More for crossstitch type. Went to artfriend and spotlight, ironic all not avail. For those ats. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  19. CF my guess.. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  20. Is that sugar fine sand? Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  21. Thats one hairy crab..haha Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  22. If you tested water para are within range, do slowly mount your sps higher over time. They want flow but no direct flow which will cause their tissue to damage. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  23. No direct flow and no direct light. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  24. Few sessions of quick dip in di water shld drive them out Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2
  25. the reefer who PM med in morning has collected.thread closed.
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