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Everything posted by monpire

  1. Ha Ha Ha...cost me a small bomb...compare to your very chio Orange one which should now cost a Nuclear Bomb...
  2. " LCK 110 usually have a bundle ! " Thanks Bro, will check it out.
  3. Prata Kosong satu My new prata after 28 hrs in my tank...again bad photography skill...
  4. Hi Hi, anyone spotted any chio chio blastomussa? Thanks
  5. Until now I don't know how AT looks like...common release the vid for us newbies to know the founder of this forum...
  6. yeap bro, got it out of the cave. Appreciate your input
  7. Would like to see a full pic of your prata please,nice colour...
  8. "hmm... i'm still waiting for his call...... think my bid is way out of his expectation. " Huh? , he didn't state the baseline value for bidding, so isn't it a case of highest bidder wins? You mean he can backout? That's new to me...or maybe it's bcos I'm new to this forum...
  9. You mean the "white prata"? I tried to bleach it after it turned brown by hiding in inside the cave. It maybe due to the low current there or the light, after a few weeks it started to shrink...hence alakazem...skeleton...boo hoo hoo.
  10. My radioactive dragon eye...from bro Derrick afew weeks ago.
  11. So CMY won the bidding? What a steal...all the corals for S$150 ...lucky guy...congratulation bro...
  12. English lesson...double positive to mean a negative "Yeah! Right!" Yes, nothing "wron" as long as you r what Bro Jervismun said "Student Trader"
  13. Dear bohejm, I would appericate if you could reponse to my post in ur "aNy1 dOn WaN ThEiR fIsHeS Or CoRaL, student here" Please do not take us reefers as donkeys and do not abuse the kindness of the adults in this forum, there maybe other student reefers whose hobbies could be greatly enhance by the contribution from working adult reefers...I'm not spying on you but was trying to find your post inorder to give something to U FOC cos U said U r a student...however was disappointed to see your "bidding" post, "SeLlInG CoRaLs N fIsH, bid or quote yor price" Do reflect about this issue.
  14. Errhhh...sorry bro, I saw another post by U selling corals and fish, was wondering are you collecting from others to sell...would be fair to those contributors...if I've mistaken, please accept my apology. No harm intended.
  15. Thanks bro for the sharing, sound difficult and profound, anyone else has tried any other method? I'm wondering if I could file before chisel it out...hmmm...
  16. Garlic works, didn't have any more attacks for months now.
  17. Big thanks to all bros for the responses, I think I'll give this coral a miss until I'm more experience in reefing...
  18. Yeah Bro dersuz, saw them in your tank last time very pretty...couldn't stop drooling
  19. Hi Hi, I've search the internet, but do not have clear idea of how to frag blastomussa, hence, is there any reefers out there who can share the knowledge with us? Thanks
  20. Hi Hi, first of all can anyone share if you have heard of PINK mushrooms...I'm new to this but as far as I know there are green, blue, purple and red... How much is it worth? Thanks for the info
  21. Hi Hi bro dleecool, we meet again one day west side bros must go chiong LSF together :D Hmm...$40 huh...I'll wait and see Depend on collection place...don't wanna go far
  22. Errhhh...bro, it helps to know where is the collection place, some of us stay over at the west...secondly, is this an open bidding or closed ? Thirdly, if you are looking for double digits, why not state it in the first place, that will help...
  23. Wow...getting interesting... Bro, your bidding ends on Sat what time? Collection location? Thanks.
  24. Interested in items 2,4 and 5...bidding at S$5 each.
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