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  1. I have tried to keep twinspot gobies on three occasions and they don't seem to last more than 2 weeks. 2 of them went MIA and i couldn't even find their corpse.. IMO, its better to try other types of gobies, jus my 2cents.. HTH
  2. Nope imo it is not aggressiveat all. I have one together with my porcelain crab, fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp and pistol shrimp. It doesn't disturb my snails too (nasa snails, turbo, astrea). hope tat helps
  3. Maroon clowns are the most aggressive compared to the rest and will not tolerate having another maroon together unless it is a mated pair. From past experiences after keeping a few types of clowns, i have decided its best not to mix and to keep maroon clowns only. HTH
  4. Hi, I have tried keeping two-spot gobies twice and can't get them to feed on pellets and flakes. Eventually they RIP.. Any suggestions on a hardy and easy to maintain sand gobby? Thanks, much help appreciated!
  5. Bro, Can buy a small quantity? Where's the collection place?
  6. Like the title suggests, can any of the more experienced reefers explain the benefits compared to using frozen phytoplankton? Thanks in advance.
  7. Bro, you wen to the Aquastar @ Yishun?
  8. IMO, Conch is very good at shifting sand. More effective than sand dollar or hermits.. Too bad, mine got killed by my hermit..
  9. Bro, wat's the capacity for this pump? 2000litres per hour?
  10. From the tone of wat bro muar chee hae replied, it seems more likely that he might have heard some information regarding this complaint.. Would anyone just post wat he had said without concrete evidence? I guess it would be wise to wait for the SPF side to give a reply before we jump to conclusions. Also, from a neutral point of view, on the part of wat Bro Ah-kent said, his experiences involving the number of carpark staff on duty relates more to parking in the evening whereas the incident took place in the day. You can tell from the lighting in the background. I am not saying whose is right or wrong. Wat i am emphasizin is we shouldn't be too quick to judge when we are not aware of the fulll facts. Lastly, on the debate whether the hard light is on or the orange lights is caused by the flash, a simple test using a digicam would tell us the answer. Hope I won't be flamed for this post, cuz I've posted out of goodwill.. No point let a picture ruin the harmony within our community! Cheers!
  11. Bro, can i know the dimensions of this skimmer? Need to know if it can fit into my overflow box..
  12. Bros, as above you can sms me at 9367-5959. Jeremy
  13. Bro, pls check your PM. Cheers!
  14. Bro, when is your next harvest coming?
  15. Bro, maybe you wanna consider the ultracompact type? 12X optical zoom with manuel controls. Go to dpreview for more reviews and do a study on wat you really need
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