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Everything posted by nicky30092002

  1. No Offer??? inclusive of LR, 2tube T5 wif eballast, and seaclone skimmer (brand new @200sgd) leh ... confirm no crash & low nitrate .. include filter media ..
  2. no lah not giving up juz give up corals/fish for the moment btw, to all PMer thats a pink/red LOBO not yuma .. from desurz .. think those who went his place previously should hv seen it
  3. eqpt? none at the moment .. might sell if i decided to quit the hobby
  4. trade oso can will post my wishlist as i go on: 1) Linksys WRT54G 2) DI-624+ AirPlusG+
  5. and a small rockful of ... can't shoot real color supposing to be pink .. maybe rock too glare anything here not label wif price is free to offer ..
  6. no sps sales all gone liao .. No maxima that is fake one ..
  7. and a 8mm 27"x16"x24" ios fowlr .. incl. of a moray & a snowflake .. a 3000liter pump i think a seaclone 100 skimmer w/ pump & box not in pic all the lr & dead coral skeleton & sand (minus the dino & clam) and a 2x24w diy t5 (total 4tube, 2 osram 2aqualight) tank is more than 1yr old, condition super ..
  8. and his bro metallic green - 25sgd .. (glass dirty)
  9. not first come first serve .. price is final .. detail pic will follow .. self collect .. must collect by tomorrow evening ..
  10. yep me too think necessary .. juz dun add anymore taxes eg. for cig etc.. to sustain these measure.
  11. IMO, she should proceed wif her M.leave .. before she does drop a note to all her exist client .. tellin them she will be back after her m.leave & respect their decision whether to request her back on coordinating when she is back. And then off to motherhood. the rest, dun think abt it .. dun think there is any regulation/rules that the boss need put her back on exist clientlist .. furthermore after ur newborn comes .. u may hv other aspect of life to look into .. why brood over something tats not confirm .. she is good? she be back on track fast .. dun worry .. BTW congras to U both too !!!
  12. thks bro looks like hv to keep it liao .. then buy a 400w to add more power hahaha .. nowadays we like suntanning at home jjk
  13. congras then .. think ur tank too small liao .. already found someone to take care majority .. some will be for sales though
  14. bro piglet .. so nice of U .. yes piglet has shown it all .. it is relatively new sitting there since last sept (abt 6mths since) .. other than some salt spray on glass nothing extra nothing less .. it has serve my tank well .. sellin cos i am upgradin to 2x 400w (or maybe 3x250w) My Tank roadster , no need confuse, it is simple cash & carry .. lastly price is highly nego, offer me ur best .. thanks piglet, barnacle for the explaination ...
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