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Everything posted by lkoivoon

  1. Hi, thanks for the complement. All fake coral were brought locally and mainly from fresh water fish shop. Sometime you have to look around these shop to spot these fake coral. Normally the stock are limited. Following are shops that I brought my fake coral. 1)C328, Blk 328 Clementi Ave 2 #01-194. 2)H2O, 105/107 Jalan Kembangan. 3)K&K, Blk 201-D, Tampines St 21 #01-1145. 4)Wong Loy Kee, Blk 4 Sago Lane #02-119. and others I can't remember ..........
  2. LR and fake coral added.......... Fish has not been transferred from the old tank yet........... Right side
  3. Full view.... I have an idea to protect the electrical sockets from water splash (safety first) - will post some pics later. I also have a weird idea to inject the iozone. I don't want to inject iozone directly into the skimmer (which many people did) as the skimmer is too expensive for me - again will post some pics later.
  4. Sump - Left side. Wire a bit messy. Will tidy it up.........
  5. Skimmer in action. Good news for me .... water flowing from the overflow pipe is strong and stable enough to drive the skimmer. Hopefully, it will be the same after salt is added. Notice there are still bubbles at the glass box outlet - Howver, no bubbles seen at the tank at all. Anyway, should be able to further reduce the bubbles by putting more floss into the glass box + raise the water level to just below the floss.
  6. Tank filled with water.... nothing much to see actually.......
  7. Finally, it is ready for leak test. Left return pipe is connected to eheim 1060 - 2280 l/h and the right is eheim 1262 - 3400 l/h.
  8. Other equipment mounted on the left side of the cabinet. From left, ozioner, air pump for the ozioner, ORP controller, pH monitor.
  9. You can use a contianer (with a stopwatch) to measure the flowrate. Of course, you must know the volume of the container. For more accurate measurement, used a bigger contianer. Or two small containers (alternating) to hold the water and pour the water into the big container. Note the time duration needed to collect a particular volume of water. This gives you the flowrate.
  10. Another skimmer pic. The skimmer outlet is made shortest posssible to the sump. This will help to maintain a constant water level in the skimmer - this is important in order to acheive high efficiency. Notice the glass box on the left? It is used to remove micro-bubbles from the skimmer and reduce water splashing - Will show pic later on this.
  11. Skimmer connected to the T-out from one of the overflow pipes. Initially, I tried to use hose from the T-out to the skimmer. But the hose is too stiff so no choice have to use elbow joints. In fact, it is neater this way.
  12. I will reuse the old ones from the 5ft and I also have some new ones that I brought sometime back, all from local shops. I don't think local shops carry www.livingcolor.com's fake coral. But please let me know if you happen to know.
  13. Here is the controller for the Tunze stream. Placed at the front of the cabinet for easy reach
  14. Money is always no enough. Similarly, space is also always not enough. To make full use of the space, I have made a long and narrow shelf at the back of the cabinet to hold fish food, test kits etc....
  15. The transformer of the Tunze stream is very heavy and there is no mounting point on it. So I placed it in the basket. On its left is the Driver for the Tunze stream.
  16. Again, here is the two outlet inside the sump but with cover as the sump migth be used to quarantine fish...........
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