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Everything posted by lkoivoon

  1. As you can see, if overflow occurs in the collection cup water will be channel to the sump instead of onto the floor Overflow of collection cup does happen to me before (a few time) when I was using an in-sump skimmer. Anybody has the same experience before? Overflow of collection cup occurs usually not because of skimmate but some don't know what reasons the cup just overflow. So to have a good night sleep I made this modification............
  2. A pipe will be connected to the overflow pipe of the collection cup with an union so that I can easily remove the cup for washing..........
  3. Then an overflow pipe is fixed into the hole.........
  4. Next, modification of skimmer's collection cup. I noticed a lot of people like to modify/add a waste container to collect the skimmate. I think otherwise.... Sorry I am not here to against the idea of waste container - Infact it is a very good idea. However, I would like to modified my skimmer's collection cup for something else.... First a hole is drilled on the collection cup........
  5. I labelled all the power plugs so that I will not switch on/off the wrong equipment...
  6. Next is the setup of this NR1000 Nitrate Reductor.......
  7. See the beauty of using two small plates to channel overflow water into the floss?..... non of the water escaped the floss and flow by the side of the glass...
  8. I taped all the hinges to prevent corrosion........
  9. Sorry if we confused anybody.... Patrick and I were talking about another tank. Ok, let me continue to update with my new tank setup......
  10. Hi Patrick, the skimmer is to be place next to the overflow compartment of the sump. That is - first compartment is the overflow from the tank, next compartment is where you place your skimmer, third compartment you can place your FR (if it fits. I placed/hung my Resun FBF1000 FR there), the fourth/last compartment is to place your eheim return pump. Please call me anytime if you need help. BTW, is the piping done? Cheer....
  11. Because, 1)I have sold my old tank and the buyer is coming to collect the tank tomorrow. 2)All LR are fully cured and with me for many years. 3)Most of the fish are 'old-bird' ie with me for quite sometime already so should be no problem with the new tank. I fed them 1 hour after the transfer and they still eat like a pig.......
  12. Thanks for the complement....... Current fish are from the old tank and will start 'fishing' soon...
  13. Thanks for the complement...... I love my tank design too....
  14. Fish transferred from old 5x1.5x2 ft to this new 6x2x2.5. Photo were taken one hour after the transfer..........
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