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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. This is a very important step I will squeeze the food using my stainless-steel teaspoon... (broke a few plastic spoons long the way ) Now I can feed my precious I will try to finish feeding within 15 minutes... any unfinished food will be discarded Hope you guys find it useful
  2. Can't imagine it being poured into my tank But I got a feeling my skimmer can easily extract 75% of it out within a couple of hours
  3. Some reefers will leave the cubes out in the open for natural thawing... but I prefer to "quick melt" them using boiling distilled water. For the following reasons: 1) The melting process will only take 2 to 3 minutes... I can instantly feed my fish... reducing the chances for bacterias and pathogens to develop/grow. 2) Tap water contains phosphate... therefore it is not the best media to be used in soaking/rinsing.
  4. Let me share with you guys one of my feeding methods... as a SPS keeper... I will try my very very best to reduce/eliminate Phosphate introduced to the system via feeding. According to an article in Coral Magazine, thawed water from Frozen Brine Shrimp measures as much as 1000ppm of Phosphate!!! (a study done in the US) I usually feed twice a day... meaning I will have to repeat this process twice daily In the morning, 2 cubes of Frozen Mysis plus 2 cubes of Frozen Brine Shrimps
  5. I know... but I rather have it smacked there than to have it hacked into 10000 pieces
  6. Hey bro!!! Long time no see... still resisting the DARK SIDE? If you wanna try SPS... come to my office... I will bring you over to the DARK SIDE
  7. OMG!!! The best German technology all-under-one-roof!!! But I find having the KR and FRs at the back a little inconvenient... other than that... this is my DREAM SUMP!!!
  8. The LongNose looks more intimidating to me... I will suggest you go for ShortNose Flame is very nice... a bright red fish that will dot around in your tank
  9. Yalor... what are the odds... really... I'm damn lucky
  10. Time to share some happy reefing moments... 25 Feb 07 (Day 1) 08 Apr 07 (almost 2 months later) The pink is shockingly intense with orange/yellow tips
  11. Yes... proper name is good for new reefers to search for more info... but this guy... can call it NANGKA lah
  12. Blue Eye Anthias are easy to keep and they are usually quite easily fed As for Hawkfish... I think they only attack much smaller shrimps... so far my 2 Hawks (Flame & Falco) have not assasinate any of my shrimps In fact, after adding the Falco... I don't hear clicking sound anymore
  13. I suppose... the Anemone is still "stucked" in its original position today... it should be safe GREAT NEWS!!! MY PBT IS FINALLY EATING FROZEN MYSIS, BRINE SHRIMP and CHOPPED NORI!!!
  14. Try feeding with frozen mysis or frozen brine shrimp... you can also attach some seaweed or local lettuce... don't have to worry if you have enough algae to supply it constant grazing My specimen has been with me for more than 1 month... still not accepting other food... can't figure why too... I think my Kole Tang is worse than my PBT... at least my PBT will take seaweed
  15. It will... at least mine did... your Kole already feeding? Or still grazing solely for algae
  16. Nice... how about adding a Hawkfish? They are full of characters and can help control pests (to a certain extent) Maybe add 7 or 9 Blue Eye Anthias
  17. Mind sharing with the amount of water change and how frequent? Salt mix? Or NSW? I have not done any water change for more than a month
  18. Oh dear... well... it's unfortunate... but sometimes happen at the initial stage
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