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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Whatever it is... very very nice... looks extremely healthy...
  2. Look at those Table Acroporas I have that DVD too... nice
  3. Yeah... I was careless this afternoon... or maybe since I have 3 foaming pumps... the probability of breaking 1 impeller is 3 times higher than average Surprisingly the original impeller is quite affordable
  4. Today is both an unlucky and lucky day for me UNLUCKY Itchy hands took my skimmer foaming pumps out for washing... taken extra care with the impeller... placed it in a very safe place... on top of the fridge (low-type)... while washing the rest of the pump... "Murphy" paid me a visit The 1.5m drop broke the ceramic shaft that holds all the components together Tried gluing back using Superglue... works but the rattling sound is quite unbearable LUCKY Quickly called AM... and luckily they have spare impellers
  5. Just make sure you will never get mass coralline die-off... more pix bro
  6. Not bad... got observe its POO???
  7. Those rocks are from your old tank or from LFS? If I'm not wrong... encasing immature rocks with coralline algae so quickly might trap Phosphate within the rock... causing problems later
  8. That's another way... but I really wanna experience a super tall FR... been busy... will try to set it up this weekend
  9. Oh man... your tank looks like a FULL SIZE TANK!!! Amazing bonsai technique With SPS some more
  10. Haha... you got me there... but I'm not lazy... just that there are so much other things to tend to besides the FR I will use siphon/suction to remove the media... if needed, will overturn it too once some water has been removed
  11. I might not have years and years of experience... but IMO one of the reasons Tangs get ich is due to stress... perhaps try not to create more stress by catching/trapping them... put them in an entirely new environment... dip them... soak them... add this and that...
  12. Everything is looking good... can see improvements in some of the SPS
  13. Not a must... but without sand... there are critters and fishes you can't keep
  14. Last piece... opps caught my BE pooing
  15. I wonder how long they can continue to bloom like this It's been more than 2 weeks
  16. My Sea Fans are still doing well... 10 minutes after flooding the tank with Reefroid
  17. Hi bro Iantoh... will explain my rationale in greater length later... but I can understand completely the situation you are facing right now. I tried Rowaphos for 2 weeks (mid March) and I find it very dusty too. Algae bloomed badly during that 2 weeks That is my personal experience btw... I'm sure there are other reefers out there that disagree. Perhaps you wanna consider trying another brand... some brands are coarser than others while some dustier than others... no harm trying
  18. Wah! You work for Aquapharm izzit? I believe it is sufficient since the intention is not to fill the entire chamber with the media... trying to get high flow through it
  19. It's part of some experiments that I will be doing in the coming weeks... will provide you guys more information along the way
  20. Here you go... I hope 2 tubs of SORB4 will be enough
  21. A bit more relieved this morning... chiller seems to be a acceptably normal Based on the graph, the removal of the filing cabinet (to allow plenty of space for air-circulation) and the installation of a fan in front of the chiller air inlet does help. The longest running time to chill 1ºC for the past 24 hours was 2 1/2 hours (2.30am - 5.00am) as opposed to 5 hours (3am - 8am) 2 days ago That's a very significant improvement On the graph, the yellow line on top represents room temperature surrounding the chiller. It shows that 29.3ºC was the highest point at 4.30am. It is also interesting to note that at 10pm, the running chiller increased the surrounding temperature from 27.4ºC to 29.2ºC within a 2 hour period. I will continue to improve the situation... hoping to further cut-down the running time. But on the other hand... more equipments are coming... easily adding 100W worth of power consumption (and heat) into the system
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