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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Actually I wonder... if I am to add an anemone crab to the equation... will they all co-exist? Buy a car? Not yet bro... not yet
  2. I believe it is one of those common anemones... brown tentacles with purple tips... I bought this "ugly" guy because I was told by the LFS that this guy usually do not move much... indeed it is true (in my tank). I don't target feed my anemone as I have a pair of True Percula hosting it... the Percs will bring food back to its anemone
  3. Emm... that rings a bell... I do know of a reefer who always have DECOM TANK SALE
  4. Not even seaweeds... just algae... pecking here and there... I got a feeling it is being intimidated by my other Tangs... kena whack if ever dare to touch food
  5. PMed you... welcome back bro... I know your hands will get itchy again... 1 year about time For old-time sake... if you wanna buy back your Bi-colour Prata... let me know
  6. But whenever I look at my True Percs... the risk is well worth it
  7. Hehe... I think that anemone makes my tank unique And it is f_c_ing huge But at least it has been rooted there for the past 4 months... without moving an inch
  8. Sharp eyes... that Prata has quite a bit of room actually... not a concern lah
  9. Don't exaggerate lah... I'm sure you can afford more than $1 a day
  10. Well at least better than my Kole
  11. The muscles behind the scene... Sump tank no. 2 next to my main tank... Hydor Performer 3000 and De Bary 15W UV... and Juwel 2ft tank on the right
  12. They do look like tapioca crackers to me
  13. Healthy fishes begin with good food I feed Formula One & Two frozen cubes twice a week... Mix of seaweed 3 times a week
  14. Thanks bro... well it's slightly easier to "cramp-in" SPS as they do not extend much (unlike LPS) and usually quite easy to attach to LR using epoxy or superglue... but I foresee removing some of the colonies once they start to thrive Here's my favourite section... like the mix of corals and the Squamosa is really a centerpiece
  15. 10 NO3 is an indication that your tank has not matured (or something is causing the high NO3). As long as PO4 is zero, you can try to introduce a piece or two... but the high nutrient level in your tank may cause its colour to fade or "browning". But again... that's entirely subjective (and depending on luck also). As far as possible, try to choose specimens without any damage... however if the colour looks fantastic and the price is right... no harm I guess
  16. White tips can also signify growth... but if it looks like skeleton white to you... then it is dying Don't worry too much about polyps extension... they will extend in your tank once they are to settle down... pay more attention to colouration... avoid anything that looks brown to you Purple can be quite hard to handle sometimes... green will have a higher chance of success What's your NO3 and PO4?
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