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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. Bite you? Hehe... how you know I like biting
  2. Thanks for all the well wishes... Steve came over just now... had a productive discussion... major work will take place this Saturday... in making my tank more accident-proof Measured NO3 just now... still around 1ppm (previously 0.02ppm)... tuned my skimmer to the max... wet skimmate all the way
  3. Looks like a spider... can't wait to see its wave effect... welcome back bro
  4. Ok will try to post some pix tomorrow
  5. Thanks for the encouragement... nah... just a bit depressed yesterday
  6. Yeah... a blessing in disguise I suppose... will fight on
  7. Was so stressed yesterday... I can't sleep the whole night Today feel like a zombie... did 5% water change... and out of depression... wanted to decom tank
  8. Thanks bros and sis... yeah I will definitely become a stronger reefer... but before that I gotto look at ways to avoid similar incident from happening and to make my tank a little more disaster-proof
  9. Most probably not... I have so many Aquabees running in the tank and none of them fails on me
  10. Still a bit cloudy... do show us some pix once the tank settles... very nice
  11. Something unexpected happened to my tank... was shocked when I reached office this afternoon Quite a disaster... look around as I've posted more details "somewhere"
  12. That piece was custom-designed and custom-made for me actually... but to be honest... I never expected it to be so huge... it looks much smaller in scaled elevation drawings
  13. Yeah... I actually ordered for 1 additional chamber... let see what the designer has in mind with the dual chambers Reminds me a bit of Star Trek's USS Enterprise
  14. Wow... one of the few reefers here that have enough budget to get rocks from CF Now open-our-eyes!!!
  15. Can we have that Nacho cineleisure sell also? Ohh... the warm molten cheese
  16. Was at AM's Katong branch opening... met many reefers there Those looking for the following should go down: F. Rics (still left with about 30 polyps) PBT (very healthy and small) blah... blah... blah And as usual... lots of Anthias
  17. Buy rock??? I can smell NEW FISH TANK!!!
  18. Emm... but sometimes it may take very long for a brown-up SPS to colour up... perhaps you wanna try get another piece? A nice piece of Acropora would be nice
  19. Stunning Rhodactis... all these mushies are making my hands really itchy
  20. Never try never know... as long as PO4 is low with good water condition... and some tender loving care... don't see why you won't be able to... come to the dark side
  21. The 3rd piece is actually quite close to the real thing... but again... it depends on your computer monitor also... the colour you are seeing now might not be the same as my screen
  22. Wah u accusing me izzit? Questioning my integrity izzit? Actually those 3 shots are NOT REAL macros... I cropped them from a much larger pix. After cropping they will become blurry... the intensity of the colour is a result of sharpening the images... will invest in another Macro lens which will allow me to take this kinda close up shots naturally... but that lens will cost me $1.5k
  23. I wonder what Hammy is up to... must be something amazing!!!
  24. Spectacular!!! Hand itchy for some yumas
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