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Everything posted by jervismun

  1. I see a few Singapore Angels inside... sure looks overcrowded... mind sharing your tank spec and equipments?
  2. Your YT looks very healthy... well defined disc-shape body too
  3. Your shrooms are so inspiration... very tempting
  4. This is a nice shot of my Mandarin... the entire foreground is covered with at least 25 polyps of F. Ricordea Orange Plate at the back
  5. Yahoo!!! Did you went chiong to celebrate? Lots of good stuff
  6. Not all is well... only left with 2 PQs in main tank... 1 in 2ft tank... the remaining PQs are feeding well... and looking quite healthy Dun dare to try again
  7. Err... too late now let me decorate the base with some pebbles and fake plants
  8. Pretty soon will tune my skimmer back to semi-dry skimming
  9. Time for some major update... let's start with my Giant FR Finally fill it up with 1000g of SORB-4 (as intended)... the Aquabee UP 2000 is just nice
  10. Good for your bro... I deactivated the "cut-off" function during the lighting downgrading... should've reprogram it
  11. Thanks bro... luckily this piece of Montipora Palawensis is not affected
  12. More bubbles (releasing air valve) is one way of getting wet skimmate... for my case... I replaced my skimmer feeding pump with a more powerful pump
  13. So old-fashion? Mine comes with touch screen panel
  14. Seems like a Tang paradise you are creating Bro if you intend to rescape your tank perhaps can create some caves... currently look a little packed
  15. Tuned to achieve wet skimmate... will continue to skim wet till things get back to normal
  16. Love the scaping... plenty of room for our SPS to grow
  17. Good news... water parameters are more or less stable... here's my latest reading: Sg: 1.026 Temperature: 25.5ºC - 26.5ºC pH: 8.2 - 8.3 kH: 8 - 9 NH4: Not detectable NO2: 0.02ppm (previously 0) NO3: 2ppm (previously 0) PO4: < 0.03 Everything is on track... expect NO2 to return to 0 and will tackle NO3 later
  18. Another great disaster... the only part I find funny is Seachem Carbon face
  19. Nah... they do look kinda similar in terms of material and etc... if that is a skimmer... probably a very lousy one... that kinda height with a single Aquabee 2000i foaming pump?
  20. My new CR... will leave it with the LFS for the time being... until my tank settles down
  21. I wonder how old are you actually... always bring police and God into the picture
  22. After reading that 2005 link... can't believe this is happening again 2 years later Anyone care for some Kacang Puteh?
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