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Posts posted by jervismun

  1. Bought a pads refill pack for my Algaefree Magnet Cleaner yesterday (for less than 1 red note)... very easy to replace and the magnet feels BRAND NEW!!! Love it!!!

    The pack comes with:

    1 x Blue Pelt Pad (change every 6 months)

    2 x Black Velcro Pad (change every 3 months)

    My magnet is working so smoothly now... just like after sending the car to a major maintenance :D


  2. swee... can also used for my CR :eyebrow: Then I passed u all mine too. Last nite got a wonderful dinner ..... lucky washed and cleaned... Its the " SEE HUM" shells ... :eyebrow: Y we seems like know one another well and start giving shells as gifts !! :lol::P:D

    How to crush "See Hum" shells ah? Dun put them underneath your neighbours car hor :yeah: :yeah: :blink:

  3. Not necessary true. Many reefers in RC found out that despite the pastel colour of the sps in a fishless tank, the corals are not doing well actually. The extension of polyp actually signifies the starvation of the coral. Poop from fishes will provide the nutrients to the coral and of course not too miuch fish la

    Very well said from a well respected and experienced reefer.

    Pastel colour = not doing well

    Extension of polyps = starvation of the coral

    Poop from fishes = nutrients to the coral

    Makes my hand itchy now... oh I miss those coloured sticks :lol: :lol: :lol:

  4. i see that u got urself a wavysea as well....i thought i recognised the output pipe in your previous pictures :P

    how're you liking it so far? and how does it work/compliment the wavebox? I've been very happy with mine. :)

    Sharp eyes :D It's quite fun to play with but costly... that's why I ordered from www.marinedepot.com... significant savings there especially if you order other stuff too :D

  5. A reefer came over to my office today to collect the Solenoid & CO2 Tank... he told me that my tank looks better in real life... perhaps my usual FTS doesn't give a sense of depth to the scaping... climbed up a chair and took this shot today :D

    Is it better than the front view shot? (taken a week ago)



  6. Interesting skimmer bro... do you have a pix of it whole (before putting into the back compartment)? When you are ready to add more corals... I will suggest moving your Green Star Polyps to the mid level (if not sand bed) as they do not really require that much light and they will spread pretty quickly. They look nice when they spread upwards on your rockscape. Reserve the top of the hill for some corals that require more light... you will bound to come across very soon.

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